An Anal fissure is a painful condition in the anus. It is very common. Over a million people in India every year have this disease. It creates small tears on the soft mu mucosa that guards our anus. The very common possible reason to have anal fissure is straining while a lump of very hard stool is passing through. Spasms can also be experienced at the end of the anus. It is common in people of any age. Most of this doesn’t require any treatment, but if the condition is very serious and painful then there are obviously some treatments that you should use.

Symptoms of Anal Fissure

Pain during the bowel movement.
The pain that you feel during the bowel movement can last up to a few more hours.
A small lump of skin tag can be seen.
There are small cracks on the soft skin around the anus and after a bowel movement, blood can be noticed on the toilet paper.

Causes of Anal Fissure

Some common things that may cause anal fissure are-

Passing of hard stool.
Anal intercourse.
Chronic Diarrhea.
Other inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease.
Anal Cancer.

Treatments of Anal Fissure

In most cases, anal fissure is healed after a few weeks and no treatments are required but in case your disease is not completely gone even after 5-6 weeks, you better visit a doctor. The doctor will first run a visual examination of the anal area. An acute anal fissure is like a fresh cut but if the cut is too deep then it signals that you have a chronic anal fissure. A chronic anal fissure is over 8-10 weeks old. The place of the tear tells whether you need serious actions such as if the cut is seen on the sides of the opening of anus it might indicate other diseases like Crohn’s disease. The doctor is likely to run tests like anoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, etc.

To encourage the healing, the doctors may recommend these thongs-

1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water. Try to drink minimum of 4lt water every day. Do not consume too much coffee or alcohol.

2. Do not ignore bowel: Go to the toilet every time you feel a little pressure, do not try to hold it for too long.

3. Fiber-rich food: Eat foods that are rich in fiber. Start by having 30-35 gm fiber every day, and then gradually increase your consumption. Foods that you may consider eating are- Oats, wheat bran, whole grains, pastas that are made of whole grain, citrus, beans, peas, and prunes etc.

4. Fiber Supplements: If the foods you consume do not have enough fiber, then try and include a fiber supplement in your diet.

5. Be Gentle: Gently clean and dry your anal area when your bowel movement is done each time.

6. Hip Baths; Soak your rectal area in a tub full of warm water for 2-3 times in a day and sit for 15-20 minutes. This may improve the blood flow and your anal sphincter will be relaxed.

Author's Bio: 

Dr.Rrishi Thukral is the best Surgeon in Hansi. He has developed his expertise to deliver multiple services through Manu Memorial Hospitals.