Experiment - Prove your thoughts create your life
I Dare You to Do It NOW
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Chapter 3
Many people are very sick in this society that we live in at this time. There are many people who are very miserable and going to doctors and taking many pills, some to relax themselves and then some to give them energy. Yet the people living in the uncivilized world somehow are very healthy and take no pills! The author has spent many years working with sick people and has traced over 90% of all their dis-ease to a traumatic experience in their life.
Several hundred people visited the author with various illnesses. Some of their physical problems were arthritis, emphysema, ulcers, high blood pressure, etc. In all cases in which studies were made, their sickness started six months to one year after a traumatic experience in their life.
If you are currently suffering from a disease, then why don't you ask yourself two questions:
1. How long have I been sick?
2. What happened in my life six months to two years before I got sick?
You should stop now for at least ten minutes and meditate on these two questions ... really think about your body and when did your problem start. Is it possible that a traumatic experience had anything to do with it?
Now ask yourself the following questions:
Can anyone else talk for you?
Can anyone else walk for you?
Can anyone else eat for you?
Of course the answer to the above is NO. You know someone else can bend your arm, but NO one can think for you! You know that you can be watching a TV program and your mind can be on anything else that you wish it to be. You see this is the one thing that you can do all by yourself! If your thoughts do have the power to create then maybe, just maybe, you actually create your own world!
I want you to do the following experiment. It is a very simple one, but it has quite an effect on everyone who does it. It will demonstrate to you the power of your thoughts.
install first picture of carrots from
The above picture was done by Fran showing that happens to carrots when you send love or hate - they either flourish or die.
First: Get 6 to 8 raw carrots and cut the tops off; the part that you normally throw away.
install second picture of carrots from
Second: Place the tops in two bowls with a little water in each.
Third: Label one bowl with a "-" (negative) and the other bowl "+" (positive).
Fourth: Place them on the windowsill to get sunlight.
Fifth: Daily take each bowl down and talk to those tops separately.
The "+" bowl- instruct them to grow beautiful . . . you know that they are beautiful. . and that you want them to be strong and healthy.
The "-" bowl-you should instruct them to be ugly ... not to grow ... give them hate ... and give them all the resentments that you have.
Many people feel that they cannot tell a plant to die, but remember that it is just an experiment and that you were going to throw away the tops anyway.
I had a very close friend of mine try this and she did as I instructed, BUT when she put the negative ones back on the window A she thought in her mind that she really didn't mean those bad things she had said! Guess what? Both of the groups grew the same! I then told her that she should try the experiment again and to only give one love and leave the other alone. She was very surprised to see the difference.
In a few days you will notice a difference. WHY??? Because your thoughts do have the power to create! Yes . . . You actually are able to control something with your mind! Now ask yourself, since I controlled something outside my body, what about me? What happens every time I think negative or send out hate? What am I causing to happen to my body?
Some people actually reverse the growth with the carrots, the tops in the negative bowl grow and the positive die. If this happens to you then I suggest that you do the experiment again.
A former Newton business executive is now living in Miami and has a new career as a psychic, claiming amazing mental powers, that can only be described as "supernatural."
Charles Collins, who now uses the title "Reverend." according to local people who hear from him often, is reported by his friends here to be engaged in full time psychic healing in Florida.
He was the subject of a startling feature story with a photograph in the January 11 issue of the "National Enquirer", January 11 issue a tabloid which is one of the leading national periodicals and which has had a reputation for offering sensational articles, particularly dealing with UFO's and psychics.
When he lived in Newton for about 10 years, before moving away in 1972, he had a yarn brokerage business here. A former resident of Charlotte before coming to Newton, Collins comes from a blue-blood background and was educated at Duke University.
His gray flannel suit businessman lifestyle here is in sharp contrast with the exciting adventures friends credit him with after leaving Newton and with the profession he now follows in Miami, where he reportedly asserts he can put positive energy into an object and remove negative energy.
Friends here say that when Collins uprooted himself from his lifestyle here, he took off for Alaska in a camper, traversing the rugged Alaskan Highway across Canada's Northwest Territory and the Yukon.
In the years to follow, his friends here heard from Collins as he was involved in such ventures as a real estate development on a desert mesa in Colorado, a project in Utah to develop windmills as a power source, and a strip mining venture in the West.
Above for article by Gritt found at
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