“I meant to do my work today – But a brown bird sang in the apple tree. And a butterfly flitted across the field, and all the leaves were calling me.”
--Richard le Gallienne

Remember that scene in “Big” when Tom Hanks -- the man who woke up one day to find that he was trapped in a boy’s body -- hops on his bike and awkwardly rides it down the street? That image comes to my mind more times than I can count – even all these years after the movie was made. Why? I think it’s the way a grown man was able to so accurately move his adult body with all the enthusiasm of an eight year old as he attacks a fresh new day.
That’s how I feel about summer. I’m trapped in a grown-up’s body but I want to attack this long-awaited season with all the pent-up enthusiasm of a kid. But no… how do you normal adults celebrate such a heady occurrence as the onset of barefoot season? Let’s see, we (I’m an adult, too, contrary to what you’re about to read) ladies might switch to open-toe shoes. Men…what do they do? They probably wear linen-blend trousers if someone places them, neatly pressed, in their side of the closet. If not, they might at least opt for a Corona over their regular brew next time one’s offered.
Kids are out of school, free as skinned-kneed little birds, but we must carry on, business as usual for the most part, right? Not so fast. I firmly believe that in order to get the most out of every single day of this life of ours, we need to find ways to feel exhilaration every chance we get.
As with many times throughout the year, I’ve come to look to children for ideas of how to do just that. They may be diamonds in the rough in many areas, but when it comes to feeling, and showing, pure joy, they serve as excellent role models.
I think a fine place to start capturing the essence of summer is in your driveway. Yep, sit right down in the middle of it. If you must, corral some neighborhood kids to sit there with you so you don’t feel like an idiot. (That guy whizzing by in the convertible has no idea what he’s missing.) Next, the bucket of chalk. And not the skinny white chalk that you hate the touch of -- memories of algebra and public humiliation come rushing back with skinny white chalk. I’m talking about colored chalk, the kind that’s made in big fat chunks to make it easier for toddlers to grab onto.
Now, if you can’t think of anything creative to draw, don’t give up. Just start drawing. Do you see kids waiting for inspiration? Nope. They just start with a shark. Or a rainbow. Usually a shark and a rainbow. Before you know it you see white puffy clouds…green grass…bloodshot eyes. (The one thing you have over kids is that you probably know not to rub your eyes if you’ve been handing chalk.)
Once you have a lovely driveway mural, don’t stop there. This is where your effort pays off! Bear with me, you don’t have to be anywhere that’s more important than reconnecting with the childlike love of summer. In a few hours, you can tackle your “to do” list, but you still have some “research” to do.
Next, make a lemonade stand. (I find if you call a lemonade stand “research” -- better yet, a focus group! -- you feel much less ridiculous). Start with the lemonade itself, preferably pink and waaaaay too sweet. Find some paper cups and make a sign. (Extra points if you misspell.) Then, go sit out in front of your mural and wait. If you get hungry, make a bologna sandwich, white bread – the kind that coats your teeth like a sock, real mayo. Chips are optional but definitely a plus, especially if you smash them in with the sandwich.
If you must have continue to have To Do list, I’ll share mine. And you can have until Labor Day to check it all off.
If you don’t, you are, most certainly, a rotten egg.

Activity Exercise:
Find the big dipper, play croquet, turn off the air conditioner and sleep to the sound of a fan, bury your face in honeysuckle, catch lightening bugs, read a good book in a hammock (dare I suggest Live in the Moment, a catchy feel-good book that’s sure to be all the rage?), buy Lady Bugs at a garden store and set them free in your yard, make s’mores, sleep in a tent, climb a tree, swim underwater with your eyes wide open.

Author's Bio: 

Julie Clark Robinson is the award-winning author of Live in the Moment (Beyond Words Publishing, Inc.). She has been published in the Cup of Comfort book series, Family Circle, and her on-line column about creating everyday joy is updated monthly on various movitvational websites. You can contact her through www.julieclarkrobinson.com