So, you've sent an email to a woman you REALLY dig. It was one of your BEST emails, one that will surely catch her attention. You wait a few days for her response and...... nothing.

You wait a few more days and still no response. So, you send her your standard, "no response" email. She's sure to respond to that one.

Once again, you wait for her response. Then a few days later, FINALLY, there's her email in your inbox!

She responded! You read her message, which says,

"Hi, so sorry about not getting back to you. Things have been really hectic around here. Unfortunately, I don't think we are a good match."

Take care,


Ah, there it is... The "take care" message that so many women send. I would swear they all belong to some underground women's group that came up with this "take care" message as their standard response. Kind of like a woman's standard fake number she hands out at bars and clubs.

If you've been involved in online dating for any length of time, I'm sure you've seen this response.

So, how do you respond? Well, here's what you DON'T do. You definitely want to AVOID getting all mad and sending her an angry response.

Here's one that women get all the time:

"You know, I don't know how you can reject someone you haven't even met in person. You don't even know me. We could have been a great match. Next time, why don't you give a guy a chance.."

There it is. Angry response from angry guy! What does the above message say about angry guy?

It says,

"I'm angry, rejected and I'm putting too much importance on what you think of me. I don't have a whole lot going on in my life so I was hoping you would like me. I feel so bad about you rejecting me that I'm going to try and get you back by shaming you."

See, how silly that is? No woman on an internet dating site should have that kind of power over you. It doesn't do any good to get angry and try and "get her back." That's a waste of time and energy.

Instead, send her something like this:

"Hey, no problem! I've got thick skin. Anyway, good luck out there. You're going to need it."

Says all the right things about you and it's rather ambiguous with the "you're going to need it" comment at the end. She'll be dying to know what you mean by that... it might even get her coming back to you.

Try it and let me know what happens.

Author's Bio: 

Christophe, author of the book "Internet Dating Mastery", is a recognized authority on the subject of Internet Dating with over ten years of experience. His website, - provides a wealth of informative articles, Internet Dating Tips and tactics on everything men need to know about online dating. Check out one of my very best Sample Dating Profiles I used to meet beautiful women online.