Acidity, also known as acid reflux or heartburn, is a digestive disorder that is often characterized by a burning sensation around the lower chest area. Health experts claim that it is a fairly common problem that is typically triggered by bad food behaviour and an unhealthy lifestyle. Many-a-times, it can also arise as a side-effect of medications or physical conditions like pregnancy.
During the acid reflux condition, stomach contents like acid and bile tend to irritate the food pipe lining. The condition impedes with the functioning of the lower oesophageal sphincter, allowing the stomach contents to flow back up into the food pipe. It is often an irritating and annoying experience that can leave a person with a bitter and sour taste in the mouth.
Fortunately, acidity is generally a minor condition that can be treated easily with certain home remedies for heartburn and acidity. Moreover, you can also take help of natural antacids like Gas-O-Fast Jeera for getting instant relief from acidity. It is loaded with the goodness of Ayurveda and can neutralize the stomach acid effectively.
However, prevention is always better than cure. Thus, people are suggested to know about and avoid the consumption of certain foods that are likely to trigger acidity. Here are some of the most common foods that can lead to heartburn and acidity:
1. Fatty foods
Fatty foods are acidic in nature. They not only contain high amount of fat but also tend to stay in the stomach for a prolonged period of time. They force the intestines to work harder in order to digest the food properly, thereby increasing the chances of acidity. Thus, you should minimize the consumption of fried foods, red meat, and other greasy foods.
2. Spicy foods
Indians have a knack for spicy foods. We love spicy food and tend to utilize various spices like chillies, garam masala, and pepper in our food preparation. However, all these ingredients are acidic in nature and eating them frequently can trigger acid reflux.
3. Chocolate
Chocolates are a taste extravaganza. But sadly, they are one of the major contributors to acidity. Health experts claim that chocolates contain caffeine and other stimulants like theobromine that can instigate acid reflux. Moreover, they also contain cocoa, artificial sweeteners, and boast high fat content.
4. Mints
Mints are widely known as cooling agents that induce a soothing effect on the digestive system. However, some evidence suggests that mints like peppermint and spearmint can irritate the oesophageal lining that can trigger acidity and heartburn.
5. Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages like sodas, cold drinks, sparkling water, etc. are some of the prime accused of initiating acid reflux. They contain bubbles of carbonation that tend to expand inside the stomach and increase pressure. Moreover, many carbonated beverages also contain caffeine, which is another known trigger of acidity.
6. Citrus fruits
Fruits are the healthiest foods available to humans. They are a great source of essential nutrients and help in keeping the body in good health. However, citrus fruits like berries, oranges, lemons, mosambi, kinnow, etc. are highly acidic in nature and may cause heartburn, especially when eaten empty stomach.
7. Onions
Onions are unarguably one of the most used vegetables in Indian households. They not only add taste to the food but are also loaded with many health benefits. However, many studies assert that eating raw onions can trigger acid reflux in some people. Moreover, onions also contain fermentable fibre that often leads to belching, eventually aggravating the acid reflux symptoms.
8. Alcohol
Limiting the consumption of alcohol can be extremely beneficial for your overall health. Health experts claim that alcohol can relax the lower oesophageal sphincter, allowing the stomach acid to flow back into the food pipe. Moreover, many alcoholic beverages also increase the amount of acid in the stomach that can aggravate the problem.
In many cases, milk can also trigger acid reflux, especially in lactose intolerant people. A research suggests that milk can increase the production of stomach acid that may increase one’s risk of suffering from acidity and heartburn.

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