That only rich people need to think about estate planning is a common misconception. It really should, however, be a concern for most individuals , particularly for homeowners. There is no way for your estate to move on to your heirs / beneficiaries without the delay caused by the lengthy and complicated phase of the intestine provisions and phase of your state with no estate plan in place. So, here are 5 property planning tips for homeowners in Sugarland to help you make sure your estate is treated according to your wishes.

1. Understand the Basics of Estate Planning

The first of our estate planning tips for Sugarland homeowners, as with any complicated legal issue, is to obtain a clear understanding of estate planning. It is important for you to know what it is, its intent, and the steps involved.

Basically, estate planning "is the method of deciding who, after your death or disability, will inherit your assets and manage your responsibilities." One aim is to ensure that recipients receive assets in a manner that minimizes property tax, tax on gifts, income tax and other taxes. Estate planning will help set up a platform that you can fine-tune as your personal and economic circumstances change.

Obviously, then, early on, in the event of death or injury, you need to decide how you want your properties to be dispersed. Then, you can inventory all the properties of your house, which might turn out to be much more than you thought before.

The assessment of these properties is next, after a detailed inventory. Your Sugarland real estate agent will help you arrive at an accurate valuation when it comes to your house.

2. Assess Your Family’sNeeds

This is a significant one of our property planning tips for Sugarland homeowners. In order to decide the best way to protect them and pass on your properties, you need to carefully assess the needs of your family.

Top considerations here include:

  • Life insurance coverage – Does your new life insurance allow you to keep making monthly mortgage payments to your surviving spouse?
  • Designated guardians – Do you need to appoint a guardian for minor children , for instance?
  • Documented continuing care – Do you have minor children or family members with disabilities that would need ongoing care?

3. Determine the Best Way to Bequeath Your Home

You have many choices when it comes to leaving your home to the appointed beneficiaries / heirs. And you need to decide how best to do it.
This can be a fairly complicated one of our estate planning tips, so you'll probably need professional advice to make the final decision to choose from the following:


You may leave your home as a legacy to a designated individual in a will. The benefit here is that a stepped-up cost basis is provided to the "beneficiary." Therefore, if they sell the property, only the increase in value after you pass away, not way back when you purchased it, gets taxed. Additionally, if there are any loans on your estate, such as a mortgage, beneficiaries are not expected to show the capacity to pay to assume the mortgage.


If you pass the interest in the home on as a gift, you will avoid the time and headache of probate, keeping it private and simple. But, in this case, you need to keep in mind the following tax regulations:

  • “If the interest is worth under $15,000 or passes on to a partner, the giver, also known as the grantor, pays state and federal gift tax. Be safe if the value is near to the line. Shape 709 Files.”
  • “If the value of the home has increased, the beneficiary will owe full taxes on capital gains when the home is finally sold. To offset capital gains, there is no stepped-up cost base.”


You maintain ownership and use of your home in such a trust, but the trust actually owns it. And specifically "how, where, and to whom the home and other properties transfer to others, bypassing the probate process," the trust terms spell out. You may also alter or revoke the trust because it is a revocable living trust.

4. Establish and LegalizeYour Directives

A crucial one of these estate planning tips is to find out and then legalize your wishes, your orders. The important considerations include the following (but are definitely not limited to):

  • Trust-Allows you to classify assets to go to specific items and to designated individuals while you are still alive
  • The Medical Care / Living Directive explicitly specifies your desires for medical care if you are unable to make those choices yourself.
  • Durable attorney's financial power helps the appointed individual to handle the finances if you are unable to do so.
  • Restricted attorney authority allows a designated entity to make decisions for you and act on your behalf, but in a limited capacity.

5. Check into Your State’s Estate Tax Laws

This is another of our valuable tips for Sugarland homeowners on estate planning since the planning process frequently neglects it. But the estate tax laws in your state may have a strong effect on your strategy.

Here are the important things to bear in mind when it comes to estate planning tips and estate tax laws:

  • “Just very large properties are subject to estate taxes at the federal level. For 2020, an estate of up to $11.58 million is excluded from federal taxes.”
  • “Some states have taxes on estates. On estates priced below the exemption amount of the federal government, they can levy an estate tax.”
  • “Some states have taxes on inheritances. This implies that it will need to be taxed on by the people who inherit your assets.”

Bonus Estate Planning Tip: Go to the Professionals

If we didn't provide this in our estate planning tips for homeowners: seek professional assistance, we would be remiss. Estate planning can be legally complicated and fraught with pitfalls, so be sure to call upon your counsel and your real estate agent 's expertise. Begin by meeting with a local agent.

Author's Bio: 

William Pek
I'm here to assist reader's about how to buy or sell home. I'm Professional author about home buying or selling. I have 25 year's experience in this field.