30 Tips for more Productivity

Who does not know it: You have been staring at the blank document on your screen for what feels like hours. You have long wanted to have at least written the introduction or even the first chapter for this important housework. But you're just not getting anywhere. In the afternoon and evening, you will have to cancel all appointments and appointments because you haven't achieved anything during the day, and your guilty conscience troubles you. Later you start tidying up your room or cleaning the apartment. Things that you are guaranteed not to do voluntarily otherwise. But right now, you'd rather do anything than focus on what you should be doing: doing the homeworkPower of Execution is your go-to productivity guide that how you achive your goals effectively so that you can live the life of your dreams.

This post offers suggestions to increase your execution power and tips to smartly get more productivity out of you.

  1. Breaking larger tasks down into small pieces: This is how you stay alert and focused. It is also much easier to get started, as you only have to tackle the first small task and you are not faced with a huge, confusing mountain of work.
  2. Take breaks: If you have broken down your task into many small parts, you should work on them according to the Pomodoro techniquein 25-minute sections and then take a five-minute break. After four 25-minute segments, you take a longer break. Alternatively, you can have 90-minute work sessions and then take a longer break. Taking regular breaks will make you more productive and creative.
  3. Get started: The most important thing is that you just get started. Once you've started a task, your brain wants to finish it. That's how we are programmed. So the most important step is always the first.
  4. Formulate clear tasks: Your work steps should be clearly formulated and not too vague. You should know exactly what to do and how much time you have approximately.
  5. Using Parkinson's Law: British sociologist C. Northcote Parkinson found that work expands as time is available to get the job done. So if you give yourself a day to find a topic for your homework, it will likely take you a day to do it too. However, if you only allow two hours for this, there is a high probability that you can do the same task in this period of time without it being performed significantly worse. The trick is, when you don't have that much time, you get more focused on the task.
  6. Perform work diary: When you write you exactly how much and when you work, you can recognize, so you can quickly distract you and what you can do about it. You can also see how much time you actually work and how much time you waste just thinking about your work.
  7. Draw boundaries: You should clearly limit your daily study and working time and, for example, keep the evening hours free for leisure activities. Ideally, six or seven hours a day when you really work hard with focus. Hardly anyone is efficient for much longer.
  8. Small rewards: Especially at university, you have to wait a long time for the reward for all the hard work. Therefore, you should set yourself smaller sub-goals and treat yourself to a reward as soon as you have achieved one.
  9. No distractions: Especially when you are doing the most important tasks of the day, you should protect yourself from any distractions. It is best to switch off your mobile phones; even new incoming e-mails should not be immediately noticeable with a noise or a message on the display.
  10. Block social media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest and are absolute productivity killers that are all too easy and happy to be distracted by. If you want to work in a focused manner and achieve a lot in as little time as possible, you should turn this off completely. If you get weak easily, you should get a corresponding app that blocks these programs on your mobile phone and/or computer for a period of time that you specify.
  11. Checking emails specifically: There is no need to constantly check emails and be unnecessarily distracted. For students, in particular, it is usually absolutely sufficient to check the e-mails only once or twice a day and to process them quickly "in one go". It is best to only check your e-mail once in the morning and once in the evening.
  12. Distribute tasks sensibly: You should distribute your tasks over the day in such a way that you finish the most important things in the time when you have the most energy and concentration. For most people, these are the morning hours. However, you have to find out for yourself individually. Things that you can do well in automatic mode, such as answering e-mails or looking for books, can then also be done at times when you are no longer quite as effective.
  13. Don't complain: Just because today doesn't seem to be your day, it doesn't mean that you won't get anything done and that you have an excuse for not working. It's only like this if you keep telling yourself that. Just start and then things will develop on their own. Discipline means working even when you don't actually feel like it and would like to bury yourself under the covers.
  14. Forget perfection: if you always want to be perfect, you will hardly get anything done. Think about how much time and energy you need to invest in something to be 100 percent perfect. Then ask yourself if it's really worth it or if you can't use your time and energy on other things as well.
  15. The 80:20 principle: The 80:20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, states that 20 percent of our personal efforts are responsible for 80 percent of the output. If you want to work more productively, you should find out which 20 percent of your own activities are most successful and then concentrate fully on these activities. Things that only bring little income should be neglected or left out entirely.
  16. A pleasant workplace: create a nice and attractive workplace where you enjoy working and where you feel comfortable. Natural light and warm colors are intended to increase work productivity.
  17. Take a little nap: Depending on your disposition, a little nap can work wonders and significantly increase productivity. It is important that the so-called power nap does not last longer than 10 to 30 minutes.
  18. Meditations: Have you ever tried meditating? It has been scientifically proven that regular meditation increases concentration and significantly improves memory. Already practiced three minutes a day over a longer period of time should bring about noticeable changes.
  19. Find your best time of day: Do you perform at your best in the morning or are you more of a classic night owl? Find out what time of day you are able to perform at your best and do the most important tasks of the day at that time.
  20. Write a to-do list: Anyone who really wants to work effectively should have a to-do list. It contains the most important tasks of the day, which in the best case can be ticked off gradually. The tasks should be more fragmented, the sooner you can cross out or they check off and the sense of achievement is greater.
  21. Weeklylists: In addition to the to-do lists for each day, you should also make one for the whole week. This way you can keep an eye on the big picture and know where you are going. It is best to write your to-do list for the next week on Sunday evening and the lists for the individual days on the evening before.
  22. Find allies: When you have someone who watches your progress a little, you are more motivated. So talk to someone about your goals, and they'll check you out from time to time.
  23. Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm is a great engine that gets you moving fast. Try to develop at least a little enthusiasm for the thing even with unpleasant tasks and you will finish the thing faster than you could ever have dreamed of.
  24. Saying no: For some people, it is very important to learn to say no. If you have a clear goal in mind and absolutely want to achieve it, then you have to make sacrifices and simply reject or reject certain things. Keeping track of your weekly goals will make it easier for you to decide whether to allow yourself additional commitments or dates.
  25. Keep it simple: Even if to-do lists are indispensable for productive people, you should not overwhelm yourself. It is better to write down little fewer tasks that you can actually do. This will save you the feeling of defeat if you fail to check all things off.
  26. Use offline tools: Instead of just staring at the screen, you should also use analog tools, such as a large notepad, colored pencils, or a whiteboard. In this way, you offer your brain variety and increase your productivity and creativity.
  27. Change job: Instead of always sitting in the library or at home, try to work in a café or in the park when the weather is nice and see whether this has a positive effect on your output or your learning success.
  28. Eat healthy: A healthy and balanced diet also has a positive effect on productivity. If you treat your body well, it will give it back to you in the form of increased concentration and receptivity.
  29. Have agood breakfast: A large, balanced, and above all, healthy breakfast makes you fit for a busy, productive day.
  30. Eat moderately at lunchtime: At lunchtime, you shouldn't fill your stomach 100 percent, otherwise, you will feel dull and exhausted and you won't be able to continue working very productively.

There are numerous tricks to work as productively as possible during your studies and thus to have more time for other things or to finish your studies faster. Which method works best to increase productivity usually has to be found out individually, as people simply tick differently. However, some methods have been shown to help many people to significantly increase their productivity. One thing is certain: if you deal with the topic early on and increase your productivity in a targeted manner, you can save a lot of time during your studies and have so much more time for the finer things in life or other non-university activities.

Author's Bio: 

My name is James K Meyer. I have been an entrepreneur and passionate blogger for over a decade, during which time I have written thousands of articles on my blog and many other publications. I write about Business, Health, Technology, Automobiles, Legal, Hospitality and much more. I am also an active contributer on Entrepreneur, Forbes, NYTimes.