There is a difference of vision between men and women that is not taught in any school

At an early age I discovered that women and men had to compete, at least that what I was told, and awkwardly for my friends, I chose as a woman to compete against men in male dominated industries. 18 years, two changes of career and a move abroad later, I totally shifted my focus to partner with organizations and specifically with women helping them to be WHO they are and to own their feminine leadership.
A few months ago while reading an article written by Dr. Cindy Wahler in Forbes online called "Retention of Female Executives “ How to Get it Right", I look at organizations with a new perspective. Indeed, most of those companies are currently struggling with realizing and adapting to the differences in male and female mentalities in the workplace. Dr. Cindy Wahler pointed out something I knew as true for two decades as I lived it in male dominated industries, such as automotive and laundry machinery and business:
Men begin the process with the bottom line and engage in tactics. These tactics dictate the approach on how they need to grow their business, build client relationships, and be more competitive.

Women on the other hand work first to build inclusion; relationships both internal and external are cultivated as the platform from which negotiations are then launched. The process of discussing the merits of an approach, sorting out who does what and when, as well as determining the best combination of skills is an approach that is articulated out loud. A collaborative process then drives consensus, agreed upon roles, and ongoing dialogue.

This difference has caused many women executives to feel a sense of isolation and that the company's decision makers are not paying attention. This causes many skilled women executives to leave their jobs at the peak of their careers either to go to the non-profit sector or to look for the organization that will align with their values and give them a sense of purpose!

The Workplace even when it promotes diversity is still hostile

While women represent 51.5% of management positions in organizations, it feels that we are "checking boxes" because it is the right thing to do and not truly empowering female leaders to embrace their feminine traits in the business arena.
All too often, organizations assess the lack of stability of women executives to a "woman trait". They rarely question the fact that the culture and values of the organization might be outdated and not represent their workforce or even their clients anymore. Organizations, made by people, are afraid of change and believe that something terrible will happen if they take a leap of faith to do something different. Many of us do not realize that the status quo hold many women back which limit the creativity and ability of an organization to innovate. Moreover, we "push" women to stay at a job that makes them unhappy.
The culture in organization sticks and women do their best to fit the broken mold. Progress has been made in terms of numbers, regulations and yet, females stretch themselves everyday often compromising their values, their vision and their health to keep going and remain engaged. What is important is to be able to identify factors that are causing disconnection or dissatisfaction in organizations as those can be detrimental to an organization well-being, to the female workforce level of engagement and if overlooked, costs millions of dollars to enterprises.
It is that simple! So you will ask me why organizations bringing more women in their ranks do not tackle the root cause of the issue and continue to apply what I call a Band Aid on a wooden leg.
Hostility is not intentional and the status quo is convenient as it fulfills our one of our fears and the greatest challenge of organizations: Change.
Corporate America faces have changed by force; the culture of organizations can change as well by choice.

And now what?
It's about time to utilize human capital consciously and respectfully by exploring women's vision and creating new organizational culture with shared values that will enable women to bring their creativity, their broader perspective and their compassion at work.

3 things you can do as a woman to ignite the change:

1. Re-define success on your own terms, you know what success truly looks like for you. You can ask yourself the following question: what would be success for me if I had no religion, no parent, no career and I have not to worry about money or time?

2. Own your feminine leadership by being authentically you and bringing your vision and your original ideas wherever you go. Of course it will require some re-alignment, but trust me, it will be all good and fun!!

3. Live to leave a legacy. This is certainly one of the most powerful way to live as it means to experience each moment of your life purposefully.

Author's Bio: 

Belinda MJ. Brown is a Women Success Expert, the CEO of two organizations: Equanimity Executive and Total Alignment Partners.

Born and raised in France, she moved to the United States in 2007. She brings her extensive experience working across multiple male dominated industries in different cultures. In 2011, she decides to become a Certified Professional Coach and Associate Certified Coach with the ICF.
She developed a passion for partnering with women leaders and executives after decades working particularly with men. Belinda helps women leaders to successfully enhance their performance in a wide range of areas including leadership, communication skills, lifestyle and organizational culture.

Her expertise resides in her ability to guide her clients through a powerful process she has designed. This journey leads them to define success on their own terms so they can BE who they are wherever they are.