What Michael is more passionate about than just about anything is helping people discover the ONE TRUE GIFT they were born to live and give and then deliver this gift to the world in the most uniquely authentic, impacting and meaningful way, becoming he calls A Modern Urban Hero.
"In my role as Transformational Life Coach, I think of myself as a sculptor of sorts. You may have heard the famous line by Michael Angelo when asked how he created the magnificent statue of David out of a simple block of stone, he responded: "He was in there waiting. All I did was the excavating. I just chipped away all that did not belong." So, with my clients, I play the role of being a soul sculptor; partnering with them to chip away what does not belong - all the fear, doubt and limiting beliefs blocking them from realizing and revealing the magnificence of who they already are, in their Essence." -Michael
What is Radical Wholeness?
Short Answer:
* Free of the limitations and limiting beliefs from the past
* Authentically and joyfully engaged in the present
* Passionately connected to a core purpose that provides
meaning now and compelling future.
Longer Answer:
Radical Wholeness is a liberated state of emotional and spiritual well-being that goes beyond the ego. It's an undivided life filled with peace, passion, purpose, power and presence. It’s a fully integrated way of living with mind, heart, will and soul all working in concert with Spirit for a higher purpose that serves life. It’s an inner state of being where no part of you is in conflict with any other part of you or the world. It's an inner union of Spirit and soul, masculine and feminine, and individual uniqueness with Universal Oneness. It is a way of living where you are fully alive and present to the real world.
Radical Wholeness is about moving beyond the ego's need to either suppress or impress and towards the soul (or essence) simple desire to connect and express. It's an experience and awareness, deep in your bones, that you are both deeply at peace and radically alive. You have both an expanded and intimate relationship with the Universe as well as a deep and sensual relationship with Life. You are fulfilling your unique purpose in life while knowing that their is nothing that you are required to do in order to be Whole. You have a felt sense of both depth (soul or essence) and expansion (spirit or authentic expression) You notice an ever deepening connection with your soul and expansion of your spirit - the BLISS of your own BEING.
Each of us possesses a CORE WOUND that is calling to be healed and a CORE PURPOSE that is calling to be fulfilled. Living a life of Radical Wholeness begins with healing the past and learning to express our authentic gifts for a unique purpose in the present.
My personal experience of beginning to live this life of Radical Wholeness is more peace, passion, purpose, power and presence accompanied by moments of extreme bliss with along with a slightly broken heart from all the suffering and separation in the world.
Six Main Principles of Radical Wholeness
1. Feel it all as deeply and fully as you are able.
When we can feel our feelings of sadness without the sadness overwhelming us, our heart opens to a greater, deeper and more expanded joy. When we can fully experience our fear without the fear overtaking us, we connect with a greater, deeper and more expanded since of peace. When we can learn to acknowledge and consciously express our anger without the anger being destructive or overtaking us we experience a greater, deeper and more expanded since of our authentic power.
2. Question everything with a sincere heart through the lens of strength and love, particularly the beliefs that you've accepted about yourself, others and the world until you get to love.
Our thoughts are not a reliable source for interpreting what is true - about ourselves, others or reality. However, our ability to question everything, all the way to love, is our minds most valuable resource on your path towards Radical Wholeness.
3. Resist nothing.
“What ever we resist persists. Yet whatever we have the courage to fully face, feel and embrace becomes grace!
When we can find a way to stop resisting and fully accept even the most unacceptable parts of ourselves, our "inner critic" and mind chatter becomes dramatically quieter. We then begin to find ourselves miraculously able to not only accept ourselves and others more fully but to see, sense and feel the Divinity in ourselves, others and even what we once perceived as the most unacceptable aspects of life. This is the essence of the Radical Wholeness Process.
4. Embrace the reality of uncertainty.
The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus stated “there is nothing permanent but change.” Whenever we argue with reality, reality always wins. Reality is our ultimate Guru. When we able to honestly observe and accept the reality that there is nothing permanent but change, we can begin to accept the impermanence of all life and be creatively and fully alive in the present.
When we fully embrace the reality of uncertainty from the depth of our being, our attention naturally turns toward the preciousness of all of life. Our heart is set on fire to express our unique individual gifts in the world for a purpose that we feel is a mighty one and is in service to life and the conscious evolution of our planet. In living this way, there are no ordinary moments!
5. Move beyond the limits of your ego to know the limitlessness of your Essence.
Know that in our true nature-our deepest self we are more than our separate ego. In our Essence, we each are a uniquely authentic part of the whole-the whole of existence, not separate from but connected to every part and particle that has ever existed and ever will.
6. Express your gifts in an authentic way for a unique purpose that contributes to the healing and conscious evolution of our planet.
Life has entrusted each of us with a unique set of strengths and gifts. It is our soul purpose to be good stewards of the gifts that we've been given. How? By combing these gifts with our life circumstances, including all our victories and defeats, pain and challenges overcome to discover a unique life story with contribution to make and purpose to fulfill. If we don't discover it and express it in this lifetime, the world will never have it.
Living Radically Whole provides a deep since of freedom and fulfillment that naturally gives rise to a life defined by peace, passion, purpose, power, and presence, what we call the 5P's.
You can contact Michael at by email @ michael@michaelcasteel.com or by phone @ 404. 246. 1036
Visit his website at www.AwakeningtoWholeness.com
Follow his blog @ www.michaelcasteel.com