Although they are not commonly discussed, it is important to know about brittle bone disease and bursitis. Understand how these diseases happen, the different signs and symptoms and how they are treated.

Bursitis occurs when there is an inflammation of the small sacs that contain the synovial fluid in the body which are called bursa. The bursa acts as a gliding surface between the different tissues in the body so that friction is decreased. When the bursa is inflamed, the movement where it occurs will then be painful and difficult. Bursitis is often caused by injuries, infections and rheumatic diseases. Bursitis symptoms will depend on the extent of inflammation but the most common is pain around the area where the bursitis happened. This is usually occurs with other bursitis symptoms such as swelling and redness and tenderness on the affected area.

The treatments of bursitis symptoms include the use of ice, physiotherapy, elevating the affected area, having enough rest and medications. Ice should be applied over the affected area to treat the bursitis symptoms. This will help reduce the inflammation as well as decrease the pain. Movement worsens the inflammation so it is important to have adequate rest and avoid too much movement. Massage therapy can be done to minimize the pain as well as decrease the inflammation of the bursitis. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications will also be given to manage these bursitis symptoms. Proper treatment is necessary to avoid further occurrence of bursitis.

Brittle bone disease or otherwise called osteogenesis imperfect is a hereditary bone disorder wherein the body has defective connective tissues. The body is unable to produce collagen, the protein that is essential for the bones to be stronger. This is the common cause of fractures in young children as well as adults. In some children who have brittle bone disease, fractures can occur while they are still at the womb while others will have them just after birth. In most brittle bone disease cases, the incidence of fractures are high during early childhood and these will decrease during the teenage years and will remain low during adulthood.

Aside from the fractures, there are other conditions that can arise when you have brittle bone disease. In some, the joints are lax and the teeth are fragile and discoloured. The conjunctiva of the eyes which are supposed to be white can be blue or gray. Bruising is also common as a result of the defective collagen in the small blood vessels. Other problems are loss of hearing, hernias, intolerance to heat and impaired growth.

There is no treatment for brittle bone disease so the care is aimed at addressing the different signs and symptoms to improve the quality of life. Orthopaedic care is vital so that the fractures are minimized and treated properly. Physical activity is needed so that the risk for immobility is decreased. For young children, the parents should be taught on proper handling of their kids to avoid fractures. Physical aides might be needed such as wheelchairs, crutches and splints so that activities of daily living are still performed.

When you understand what bursitis and brittle bone disease is all about, then you are able to manage them properly. Whether it is you or anyone you know who is suffering from these disorders, you will be able to carry out the treatments properly.

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For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Bursitis Symptoms and Brittle Bone Disease.