One big mistake that entrepreneurs often make is staying in startup mode for a very long time. When this happens to you, it would seem as if you were always standing on the break. Thus, you must make a move to transition from being a startup business into an established one. Ideally, you want to be in the startup phase only for the first two years of business operations.

It is definitely not going to be very easy to make this transition, but with the proper mindset and the right planning, you can be on your way to growing your business. Below you will see some tips on how you could develop this mindset.

1. Start delegating tasks. During the startup phase of your business, you will be the only one to handle almost everything. If you want to take your business to the next level, you need to invest in people to do certain tasks for you. This need to delegate is something that a lot of entrepreneurs are still hesitant to do. For them, hiring people costs a lot of money, so they avoid doing so. What they don’t realize is that refusing to delegate tasks is actually hindering the growth of their business.

2. Focus on what really matters. Spending a couple of days thinking of what business logo to use is a waste of time. As your business grows, your brand will also evolve. Thus, there is no reason you should spend time deciding on this matter. Instead, look at the most important things that need your attention, and that include making money and attracting customers.

3. Attract more attention. One of the biggest challenges faced by startup businesses is how to get the attention of more people. You would agree that your income would rely on how many people know about what you’re offering. This means you have to take into serious consideration the marketing strategy you are going to use for your business. Explore all your options and pick the ones that really work for you.

4. Stop saying you have a “small business”. If you want to earn respect in your industry, you have to start believing that you are someone important. All you need to do is claim that your business is a significant one. Once you start believing that you are doing great in your field, you will gain your rivals’ respect and people will start to notice you.

5. Have a sense of urgency. It is vital that you set a specific timeline for your business actions as well as achievements. This way, you won’t keep making excuses for your slow business growth. By working with a business coaching and mentoring specialist, you will learn that for you to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to assume that you are running out of time, so you can’t afford to waste any of it.

Author's Bio: 

Cecile Peterkin is a certified career and retirement coach, and a registered member of the Career Professionals of Canada and the International Coach Federation. She is also the Founder and Senior Career Strategist at Cosmic Coaching Centre, provider of career and life management services for middle managers and mid-career professionals across Canada, United States and Europe.