The key to eating well and maintaining a healthy weight is learning to embrace a positive attitude about your unique body type. Once you establish tools to incorporate self talk of acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness eating becomes a secondary focus rather than an all consuming pattern in your daily choices.

Acceptance is the beginning to losing weight today. Look in the mirror and be honest. You need to own up to your well being.

"Cherishing your body and treating it with respect requires a shift in thinking, one in which you stop emotional eating and create an empowering relationship with food." Harper, Bob. (2008). Are You Ready! (p 5). New York, Broadway Books.

Understanding forges the path to change. After you look in the mirror change your inner dialogue. Instead of berating yourself, choose a mantra that you will repeat daily and often. Take the focus for now off your body and into your inner being.

Your new mantra may sound like this, "I am beautiful I am strong and I will eat an apple a day to feel better."

By creating positive affirmations you will slowly build greater confidence. Your mantra must include something good about you and an action step. Another mantra may sound like this, "I am healthy, I am grateful to be cancer free, and I will drink five glasses of water a day."

By incorporating an action in your positive talk you will be more likely to fulfill the promise to yourself thus mastering healthy lifestyle behaviors one step at a time.

Forgiveness is teaching ourselves that progress entails setbacks. Personal responsibility means when you have a bad day, and everyone does, you don't throw in the towel and give up, but rather you recharge and focus again. A half a bag of cookies one day isn't going to jeopardize your goals, but those cookies will ruin your weight loss plan if you continue eating a half a bag everyday. Forgive and get on with it! Look forward and forget about the negative talk and concentrate on your new mantra.

Weight loss entails a healthy and happy outlook otherwise you are doomed from the beginning. The pounds will come off with your honest perseverance and positive dialogue. The message you give yourself everyday matters.

Author's Bio: 

Terri Dennis is a certified wellness coach and exercise and sport science specialist.
She provides confidential and complimentary coaching sessions empowering her clients to master healthy lifestyle behaviors.

She also writes health, fitness, and wellness articles for various publications.