As America descends into a quagmire (soft boggy area) of moral debate and negative lifestyles, isn’t it time to learn from history?
Many in America are like the French in the 1790’s when they threw out the Bible and had a blood bath of religious intolerance. They guillotined 40,000 and arrested 300,000 more before reinstating the Bible instead of the Goddess of Reason. This author heard a caller on a talk show say he took a semi-load of guillotines to a Catholic Church in Nebraska. History will repeat…
Abraham Lincoln said, “The Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book…but for it, we could not know right from wrong.”
America doesn’t know right from wrong because we’ve thrown out the Bible--first in classrooms and courtrooms, and now in the media and even some churches!
Lincoln freed the slaves; the pope favored slavery. The Vatican was the only foreign entity to recognize Jefferson Davis as “the illustrious President of the Southern States.”
Catholic Chief Justice Roger Tany wrote his verdict in the Dred Scott case that blacks were “regarded as beings of an inferior order" with "no rights which the white man is bound to respect."
From its inception, America had freedoms of speech and religion. The Constitution was written by Protestants who knew the papal oppression in the Old World. One has to speak truth to resolve a conflict, whether it be in marriage, the church or the nation.
Lincoln freed the slaves; Pope Francis will enslave most people who don’t see where he is coming from. The Syllabus of Errors by Pope Pius IX was likely part of his ordination vows --it’s what the Catholic hierarchy are working for--
15. “No man is free to embrace and profess that religion which he believes to be true, guided by the light of reason.”
16. “Protestantism is not another and diversified form of the one true Christian religion in which it is possible to please God equally as in the Catholic Church.”
17. “In legal conflict between Powers (Civil and Ecclesiastical) the Ecclesiastical Law prevails.”
18. “The direction of Public Schools in which the youth of Christian states are brought up... neither can nor ought to be assumed by the Civil Authority alone.”
19. “Kings and Princes [including, of course, Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc.] are not only not exempt from the jurisdiction of the Church, but are subordinate to the Church in litigated questions of jurisdiction.”
20. “The Church ought to be in union with the State, and the State with the Church.”
Roman Catholicism, Dr. Loraine Boettner, Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Co.
Mary land surrounds Washington DC and has conquered Congress. Most members are catholic (spelled with little ‘c’ means universal--go along to get along--Congress votes for a catholic majority)
Free speech based on the Bible is not hate speech--the Bible says to love our enemies, and if we do, we should confront them with truth--“the truth shall set you free.”
The Catholic Church isn’t free from sin--it’s full of sin because confessing and paying a priest doesn’t bring repentance. Repentance comes from Christ when sin is confess to Him and is seen as the cause of His suffering. He becomes Savior when He becomes Lord--one without the other does not work but the papal system is antichrist--a priest in place of a personal relationship with Christ.
The pope is represented by a harlot that is riding the beast of New World Order in Revelation 17. The church commits fornication with kings (verse 2--involved with governments to secure laws favorable to her. Christ didn’t get involved in politics to change the oppressive government in his day. He knew the cure must reach the heart.
Revelation 17 shows the church in scarlet, the color of cardinals, decked in gold, a wealthy church, drunken with the blood of saints, a persecuting church, Mother of harlots--other churches that no longer protest her, sitting on seven hills--Rome. The next chapter, Rev 18 issues a call to come out of her. No wonder the pope said “the Bible is an extremely dangerous book.” (Google)
For more information, readers may like Turkey Soup for People who are Chicken about End-Times. It has 9-11 clues based on Numbers 9:10,11 pointing to judgment for US this spring for $2.99 on Amazon at
Richard Ruhling is an author on current events and Bible prophecy with books on Amazon.
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