Even infants can have mild or sometimes serious bad breath from time to time. There has been many instances where individuals have reacted to the odor of a baby's breath. Considering the other responsibilities that comes with taking care of a baby, infant bad breath is something that a lot of people don't think of until that smell hits you or somebody else.

When a parent realizes that their child's bad breath is chronic, they question the reason why this is. Being older individuals we pretty much have an understanding as to the reasons our mouth smells awful. We also understand how to take care of it too. However when it comes from a child, our child, we wonder what's triggering it and what we are able to do to end it.

In reality serious infant bad breath may be caused by several different issues including poor oral hygiene (yes even infants need you to keep their mouths clean), a serious ailment, gastric reflux disease or even a hernia. Even morning breath might be the reason. If the child is throwing up milk consistently, it might be a sign that they may be suffering from acid reflux disorder.

A stuffy nose or a cold could cause your infant to breath in and out of their mouth which will result in a dry mouth which will result in bad breath. Since this results in an lack of saliva in your little one's mouth, bacteria that would normally be destroyed by the saliva will now grow. This is what is called temporary halitosis and can be reduced by keeping your child well hydrated while they have a cold.

If your baby makes use of a pacifier, you have to keep it changed regularly. The reason behind this is that milk, formula and food products can accumulate on the part that goes in your child's mouth. The mixture of food and saliva causes the food to rot and when the child puts the pacifier in its mouth it's breath will smell like the bad food. By keeping a couple of sterilized pacifiers on hand, you can exchange them often and eliminate this cause of infant bad breath.

If your baby spits up often and has a sour smell originating from their mouth this could be the source of their unpleasant mouth odor. If your physician has conducted tests and can find no reason for your child's bad breath, there are steps you can take to eliminate or reduce the issue.

To start, it not best to have the baby sleep with it's bottle all night long. Because after being out for so long the milk or formula will start to smell. Prolong exposure to bad milk may lead to your child getting gum disease in addition to bad breath.

While your infant may not have any teeth, that doesn't mean that you should not be using a good gum cleaner to remove milk or formula debris in addition to dead cells. A gum scrubber is gentle rubber device that you employ in the same manner as a toothbrush to gently scrub your child's gums.

You need to clean the baby's mouth after its feeding, paying specific focus on the tongue's as it's a major source of mouth odors. It's possible, if you do these few steps, to reduce or eliminate infant bad breath so people can spend more time getting close to the baby. If you've done everything you can and the bad mouth odor still continues then it's time for you to discuss the problem with your baby's pediatrician.

Author's Bio: 

There are many problems as well as solutions when dealing with bad breath. Visit The Bad Breath Report Review to discover techniques to help fight bad breath concerns.