Sales is undoubtedly the lifeblood of any business provided that the sales department is staffed and managed properly. Otherwise, this can turn into a liability for the company. The challenge that many small startup businesses have to deal with is the fact that their sales department is understaffed. More often, the owner of the company and a couple of other individuals make up the sales department. As a result, the business is highly dependent on only a few people. Hiring additional personnel isn’t the easy solution to this. In order to address this issue, business owners need to be more involved in the activities involving sales. This goal can be achieved through various methods.

It is generally possible for employees to get involved in the selling process. It is the employees in different departments who interact with clients on a regular basis, so they pretty much have the means to do any form of selling. Plus, they are more familiar with the kind of people that the business is targeting and serving, so they can have a better idea of how to convince them to buy whatever the company is offering. These employees may need a bit of training, though, just to know what kinds of questions they should ask clients and prospects.

There will always be people who will find your services or products interesting, like the friends and relatives of your employees. But this isn’t usually taken advantage of by the employees because they lack the skills to discuss clearly what your business is all about. You should try asking your own staff about what they think your company does and you may be surprised to hear different answers from them. Taking the time to share with them important information about your organization as well as providing them with some sales training can benefit you in the long run.

Another worthwhile option to consider is to create a sales force who would receive commission for offering referrals and even marketing your products or services. This method can be very effective in motivating people to find new opportunities and contact information for your business. This is something that other conventional sales methods may not do for you. Plus, you would love the fact that commission is way less costly for you than to pay salaries.

If you are into entrepreneurial business, it is important that you think outside the box. Considering the fact that small startup businesses like you don’t have enough capital investment, you won’t be able to hire the number of people you should have to boost your marketing strategies. Doing a research on business mentoring tips will also enhance your knowledge of how to grow your business.

Author's Bio: 

Cecile Peterkin is a certified career and retirement coach, and a registered member of the Career Professionals of Canada and the International Coach Federation. She is also the Founder and Senior Career Strategist at Cosmic Coaching Centre, provider of career and life management services for middle managers and mid-career professionals across Canada, United States and Europe.