Patience is something that many of us find very hard to acquire or develop, perhaps because it is way too easy to just be impatient. But do you know that when you lose control of your patience, you hurt not only the people around you, but yourself as well? Impatience can cause your stress levels to increase, which we all know can be very unpleasant and harmful to us. What’s worse, not having patience can ruin your relationships with other people.

What we are going to discuss here are some strategies that will help you become more patient.

Why Do You Need to Be More Patient?

Impatient people are easily misunderstood as impulsive, insensitive, and arrogant. Many see them as bad decision makers since they don’t have the patience to think things over. They seem to rush things and come up with very quick judgments. There are also people who don’t want to be around impatient people due to their bad temper and bad people skills.

If you are impatient, you cannot expect to be considered for promotion in the workplace, especially for leadership positions. You will also not be liked by your coworkers because you are unlikely to be a team player if you don’t have patience.

You have to understand that by being patient, you are likely to be viewed in a positive way by your colleagues and employers, as well as your friends and family of course.

How to Manage Impatience

When you find yourself losing control of your patience, what you should do is to try to escape this state of mind immediately. Being aware of your emotions is very important in trying to have control over them. Below are some strategies you can use to do this:

- Take a deep breath. It is recommended that you take slow breaths and count up to 10. By doing this, your heart rate slows down, your body relaxes, and you allow yourself to be emotionally distant from the situation. Do this several times until you feel that your body is more relaxed.

- When you are impatient and about to lose your temper, you may feel some sort of involuntary tension in your muscles. That’s why it is important that you focus on getting your body to relax. Again, you can do this by taking deep and slow breaths. Feel the muscles all over the body to make sure you are not tense anymore.

- Make an extra effort to manage your emotions. Keep in mind that you have a choice when it comes to how you will react in any given situation. It is definitely up to you whether you will be patient or you not.

- Try to take things slow. If you are always in a hurry, then you have to try to move or speak slowly. This way, you will feel and also look calm. By simply acting calm and patient, you will also feel more relaxed and patient.

- Be a good listener. It is vital that you know how to give attention to the people you are talking to. But it doesn’t end there. While listening, you should make a plan in your mind how you are going to respond to what they are saying.

- Always remind yourself how silly it is to lose temper over petty things. Remember that you can only earn the respect of the people around you if you know how to show them respect as well. And you can do this more easily if you are patient.

The value of patience cannot be undermined, especially when it comes to how it affects your performance at work and how your career will succeed. By developing patience, you can make yourself likeable and this can eventually lead to you being given more and better career opportunities.

Author's Bio: 

Cecile Peterkin is a certified career and retirement coach, and a registered member of the Career Professionals of Canada and the International Coach Federation. She is also the Founder and Senior Career Strategist at Cosmic Coaching Centre, provider of career and life management services for middle managers and mid-career professionals across Canada, United States and Europe.