The beginning of the year is always a time for new years resolutions. Or is it?

Think back, how many resolutions have You made and how many have You followed through on?

What if there was another way to design the life You choose. There is a technique that allows You to tap into the wisdom and power of spirit. Through psychic projection You can employ both your ability to do the tangible things and also attract energetically to You the things that You desire.

Let's start with an ad to the universe to assist You in creating the relationship of your dreams. Use the ad template to fill in any way You wish and then intend for the universe to receive and fulfill your ad. Remember, when You are filling in this ad that your focus on how You feel when the ad has been fulfilled is the key.

Fill it in so that You can connect with the joy, happiness and passion upon fulfillment. This ad can be used to bring more of what You want into your present relationship as well. It can be adjusted to attract friends, business partners, child/parent relationship improvement and anything else You can imagine that You are choosing to create or be part of in your life.


_______________ (single male, single female, goddess, playful fun man, woman in relationship, present loving male, free spirited soul, etc) chooses _____________________ (single male, single female, goddess, extremely masculine individual, playful fun man, woman in relationship, present loving male, free spirited soul, etc) to __________________________________.(build a fulfilling life with, explore the world, have a family, build a business, explore the dimensions, explore deep friendship, find god through sex, heal all past lives with, create magic with, mirror perfect love)

Would prefer____________________(individual is conscious of their spiritual self, is self sufficient emotionally, likes animals, enjoys slow strolls through museums, someone that understands the value of personal integrity, age range of _____, someone that likes to ride a motorcycle,

Requesting that ___________________ (individual likes the out doors, is physically active, vegetarian, recognizes and wishes to express joy through physical means, is honest, clean, likes food, can cook, have a positive attitude, emotional fitness level is high, individual respect and like children, etc.)

Be prepared to be ___________________ (encouraged to be your best, challenged, loved fully, fully immersed in adventure, romanced, introduced to many new people, in discovery of new things often, etc.)


Can You feel the joy the fulfillment of this ad causes You to experience?

For finding and attracting the job of choice here is another template.


______________________(Inspired, hard working, innovative, passionate, effective, fresh, well qualified, leader, spicy, etc) individual looking for a position that is______________________________.(fulfilling, demanding, ever changing, straight forward, similar each day, actively demanding, indoors, outdoors, at home, etc)

Would enjoy and environment that _____________________________. (is environmentally aware, full of humor, free spirited, values employee input, allows ______, respects ______, etc)

Would prefer a boss that is __________________ ( male, female, a lateral thinker, valuing of _________, interested in my input, lets me do my work, honest, generous, etc)

Willing to _________________________ (deliver above and beyond what is requested of me, show up clear leaving issues not pertaining to work at the door, input honest opinions when asked, ask for what I require and let go of attachment, put in the hours I say I am and do the work I agree to, deliver quality work, etc)


And another one to attract the financial abundance You wish.


I am excited to know that I am ready to have________________ (amount of money) coming in every year.

With it I will ________________. (what You will purchase, give to, support, invest in, create, etc)

Would prefer to _________________. (feel free to, know that all things come from spirit, allow this money to flow to me easily, increase the amount of time I have to __________, etc.)


What ever You desire be it things, experiences or a way of being You can more quickly get them by employing your physical and energetic abilities. By engaging feelings You will be able to create these things more quickly.

So much of what happens for us depends on where our focus goes. Appreciation for what You have already manifested and have in your life and then I encourage You to allow your focus to be on what has not yet manifested instead of what You have already created and are experiencing in the immediate past and present. Allow joy to be your marker indicating that You are an the right track for You.

By filling in the ads, shooting them out into the universe for source to work with and doing your part to eliminate resistance and going with what your internal guidance system is telling You is an enviable equation for success.

To a Heart Centered 2011!!

Author's Bio: 

Ride the Wave of Insight! It is time to wake up and live what your heart is called to live and express. Psychic Potentials is for You if you're interested in developing your psychic abilities and You desire to lead a fully illuminated life from a loving and connected place.

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