Goal setting is an essential part of starting a new business. For business owners, the goals that need to be identified should not only include business goals, but personal goals as well. These objectives serve as the guiding light for businesses for them to eventually become successful and income-generating. However, it is not easy for any startup business to gain momentum, especially in terms of finances. Thus, entrepreneurs need to be ready to sacrifice and commit time into growing the company. In the end, it will be these long term business goals that will help them come up with an accurate and effective business plan.

Goal #1: Better personal income

One long-term goal that is shared by most starting business owners is to increase personal wealth. This, however, could mean differently to different people. For many, wealth could mean increased cash flow, but for others, it could signify having a more flexible work schedule, or having the opportunity to make other people’s lives better. This kind of long-term goal can help businessmen stay focused and well on track as they run their small business.

Goal #2: More business opportunities

It is also common for entrepreneurs to look at growing and expanding their business and eventually becoming major players in the industry. An entrepreneur who has this goal in mind usually has a much bigger plan for his business even before he actually starts one. This business goal is a tougher one, though, because it often requires more financial resources, and a lot of help from other people to realize growth or expansion. Nevertheless, the reward that comes with reaching this goal is also huge, which is why many are committed to going for this long-term business goal.

Goal #3: Attract investors

Going public is another huge long-term goal for any business. For a small business to go public, it must be very stable financially, and it must also guarantee future investors that the business can stay strong and competitive for several years to come. With that said, entrepreneurs need to be able to hire the right and the best people to help them establish their name in the industry.

Goal #4: Continued legacy

You must have seen businesses that are owned and run by the members of a family. These companies are good examples of entrepreneurs who have a long term goal of creating a legacy for the family. In this scenario, a business owner would prefer to recruit members of the family to hold important positions in the organization. These owners also prepare their children to become the future leaders of their businesses. This goal is considered the hardest one to maintain, basically because there can be no perfect assurance that every member of the family would have no other career pathways to pursue.

Author's Bio: 

Cecile Peterkin is a certified career and retirement coach, and a registered member of the Career Professionals of Canada and the International Coach Federation. She is also the Founder and Senior Career Strategist at Cosmic Coaching Centre, provider of career and life management services for middle managers and mid-career professionals across Canada, United States and Europe.