I admit it…I’m a reality TV junkie. To be clear, the “reality” I love to watch is anything that follows people chasing their dreams. The Voice is the one I’ve most recently been hooked on. As inspiring as it is to watch others playing BIG in their lives, there are also life lessons that we can take and run with ourselves.
Commit to your vision
The contestants that step foot on The Voice stage have one thing in common: they are stepping out of their comfort zone and taking a shot at their dreams. This fact alone puts them in an elite class of people who face their fears and do it anyway. However, one of the common traits among the contestants who do well on the show is the fact that they are 100% committed to their dream. You frequently hear them say things like, “There is no Plan B” or “This is the only thing I’ve ever wanted.” That absolute commitment is the key to their success. What doubts would you have to release in order to embrace that type of commitment? How would it feel to have such focus and passion in your life?
Choose a coach
When a contestant is chosen to move forward, they then get to select a coach who will guide them through the rest of the game. These coaches prove to be the greatest asset to the singers and are often credited with much of their success. They are artists who have had success and can map out a plan for the contestants to follow. The bond that is formed between the two is a joy to watch and truly seems to make the biggest difference in how far the singers go in the competition. Once you become fully committed to your success, hiring a coach is the number one fastest way to get there. No matter what that vision is, professional coaches are trained to guide you on your path, break through emotional barriers and celebrate your successes. Are your dreams less important than those you see on TV? What’s holding you back from investing in your own life?
Find your authentic voice
Time after time, contestants on the show are encouraged to be unique and find their true style. While the coaches have been successful in their own lives and careers, they consistently help the singers create their OWN image and embrace what makes them special. We each have unique gifts and talents and passions. As a culture, we have been trained to “fit in” and assimilate (BORG fans, anyone?) with the masses. It is something we are taught as young children and it helps us to stay safe and become socialized. But it’s not until we feel free enough to uncover our authenticity that we can truly live our passion. Going through the motions and doing what everyone else does is ok for some…how about you?
Increase your confidence
One of my favorite things about watching The Voice progress is witnessing the transformation of the contestants. With the encouragement and love from their coaches and eventual fans, you see their confidence build each week. It’s so inspiring to see them step into their own power and clearly feel that they are worthy of success. This is something that holds many of us back from going for our own dreams. Many times there are voices in our heads (sometimes unconscious ones) telling us that we do NOT deserve to have what we really want. Mine used to tell me that I was just a dreamer and that I needed to be realistic. Once I learned to have faith in myself and in the Universe, the things I dreamt of started to actually become realistic. Who knew? Believing in yourself is not something we are necessarily taught and until you do, it is important to find others who can believe in you. (Ahem…findacoach)
Never give up
The final tip may sound cliché, but it’s absolutely true. Ask any successful person and they will tell you the same. On this season of The Voice, there was a young guy who had auditioned to be on the show the year before but didn’t make it. This year, he did and created quite a following for himself. The guts it takes to get back up on that stage after being rejected is amazing to me. I am in awe of that level of conviction and humbled by the perseverance of a 17 year old kid. I want to be just like him when I grow up. It’s helpful to have those reminders on days when it feels too hard to forge your own path. I can’t tell you that chasing your dreams will be easy…only that it will be truly fulfilling.
It is my mission to help those of you out there with a dream to actually pursue it. I believe it is our ultimate responsibility to find our passion and then to live it and share it with the world. So, find a coach and make it happen! What are you waiting for?
Jenny is a transformation coach, specializing in helping women to break free from all of the "should's" and "have to's" and empowering them to create their own unique image of success.
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