Are you feeling fatigued or irritable? Do you suffer from PMS or digestive disorders? An over growth of yeast has been associated with these disorders along with muscle pain, short attention span, headache, memory loss, vaginitis, skin problems, urinary and respiratory issues and even learning disabilities. According to William G. Crook, M.D. author of The Yeast Connection, yeast may also be linked to such “incurable” diseases as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, chronic hives, autism, and arthritis.

It has been estimated that about 75% of women have at one point had a yeast infection. A large percentage of woman today only think of a yeast infection developing in the vagina. However this is not the sole location. Yeasts are single cell fungi that belong to the vegetable kingdom. There are many species within the family such as molds. The yeast that resides within our body is known as Candida albicans. The foods we eat, the air we breath, the stress we put on our bodies and the many other toxic pollutants that we come in contact with each day have a significant effect on the flora (yeast) in our intestinal tracts. Once the flora is out of balance we often develop a yeast infection that can cause any of the above-mentioned issues. The simple fact that you need to leave this article with is this: Yeast overgrowth weakens your immune system.

So what can you do about it? That’s what I am going to help answer for you!

First you should invest in a yeast cleanser. This is easily found at your local health food store. It is important to remember that diet restrictions below apply primarily to the cleansing period recommended in the directions of the yeast cleanse. If at all possible during your cleanse avoid taking antibiotics which increase your chances of yeast overgrowth. Avoid environmental molds that can be found in your bathroom, windowsills, wooded areas that have been wet, etc. Next avoid foods during your cleanse period and as much as possible that promote yeast growth. Unfortunately, this means avoiding the average American diet. You need to avoid all food and drinks that contain sugar, honey and maple syrup. You also need to avoid foods that contain yeast, especially raised breads, moldy cheeses, vinegar and many condiments, yeast containing vitamins and alcoholic beverages. Along with these items stay clear of processed foods. These products in many cases have hidden ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup and/or yeast. Eating of fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and poultry should be your main diet choice to maintain a healthy intestinal tract. Next look to your pantry and refrigerator for some help. Yes, in these locations you may happily discover some natural remedies to help cure and/or prevent flora overgrowth.

· Garlic: Garlic has potent anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It can heal the symptoms of yeast infection itself and makes sure that the yeast won't multiply. Garlic supplements are widely available at health stores. A simple treatment for vaginitis is to take a garlic clove that has been pierced a few times with a fork or knife and place it within a medium sized piece of sterile gauze. Tie below the garlic clove and insert into vagina as you would a tampon, leaving enough of the gauze hanging out for easy removal. Do this before bedtime and repeat for three days or until infection is gone.

· Echinacea Treatment: Echinacea can boost the body's immune system. Providing strong antibodies, it decreases the chances of yeast overgrowth. Echinacea herbs stimulate the white blood cells that attack all foreign organisms that can cause havoc on the body.

· Cranberry Cure: These berries contain arbutin that can help heal vaginal infections. Use the berries in your meals as sauces or juice. An important note is to make sure that you are consuming 100% cranberry juice. Most products on the market are only a small percentage juice, or have added juice blends with them that are high in sugar. They may also contain high fructose corn syrup that will only feed the Candida.

· Yogurt to the rescue: Yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, a probiotic can help to harmonize the flora in the intestinal tract. It is highly recommended by such experts as Dr. Kendra Pearsall in a recent article, “… to increase your probiotic intake with probiotic capsules or by eating cultured foods because these contain the good bacteria that keep your vagina and gastrointestinal tract healthy and will replace the Candida. This is especially important if you are taking antibiotics.” You can also use plain yogurt as a cream on your vagina to relieve any itching.

· Tea Tree Oil: Soak a tampon with diluted tea tree oil and keep it in the vagina overnight.

Yeast overgrowth in ways our scientific and medical experts have not yet discovered through their extensive clinical and research studies, is assumed to be a leading cause to making many people sick. Hopefully these simple steps will give you some relief from the discomfort of vaginitis and other yeast related complications. Remember to always consult your doctor before trying any new treatments on your own.

References Cited:
Crook, M.D. William, The Yeast Connection, Jacksonville, TN, Professional Books 1992
“Herbal Remedies for Yeast Infection.” Herbal remedies Guide, (2008). Online.
“How to treat yeast infections naturally.” (Aug.07, 2004).Online.

Author's Bio: 

R. Rene' is a Shamanic Energy Practitioner and Harmonic Health and Nutrition Coach. She has over 10 years experience and knowledge gathering in alternative and preventative health. A firm believer in living naturally and in oneness with the world. Rene' provides her services both locally and long distance. To view further details please view Discovering Namaste' at