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Heart Disease BreakthroughDo you suffer from high blood pressure, angina pain, irregular heart beat, clogged arteries etc. Views: 147
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Truth About Heart DiseaseHeart disease is not caused by high cholesterol. Low-fat diets and statin medication are not the answer. Learn how inflammation causes heart disease and what you can do about that. Views: 141
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Heart Health Diets And Exercises"A site dedicated to a healthy lifestyle through education in the areas of fitness, diet, exercise, healthy eating, and over all general good Healthy Life style practices" Views: 63
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Lifestyles of the Healthy HeartA resource to develop Lifestyles to Promote Heart Health, Increase Energy, Increase Resilence and Live Well and Live Long. Includes strategies to Stress Less, Move More and Eat Well. 90 Day Group and Individual Programs Available. Views: 63
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MyCardioResourceProvides insight, education, and guidance in the fight against heart disease. Views: 48
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Best Source of L-Arginine / Nitric Oxide in the Market for Health and WellnessHelps and assist in your wellness whether you have cardio vascular issues, diabetic, has high blood pressure, cholesterol. Formula discovered by 1998 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Louis J Ignarro and widely used as a vasodilator that helps improves overall blood circulation. Side Effects = a sense of wellness. Views: 41
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eNutritionServices - Lisa Nelson RDHow to Lower Cholesterol - Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure - The Best Way to Lose Weight
Receive expert guidance via free and paid programs for a healthy heart and longer life naturally.
Get The Heart of Health ezine and a free report or ecourse to be heart healthy and lose weight today! Views: 40
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Heart Currents: Resources for the HeartResources for people dealing with heart attacks and heart disease, written by a clinical psychologist who has been through a severe heart attack Views: 40
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High Blood Pressure Treatment & Medication ReviewsProvides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on high blood pressure medications. Sign up for a FREE 5 Days eCourse worth $47 on how to lower your high blood pressure naturally without drugs. Views: 40
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Frank Cooper - NutritionistFrank Cooper is a Clinical Nutritionist and a qualified member of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society. Frank is the author of the book 'Cholesterol and The French Paradox'. This well-researched book is valuable reading for anyone suffering from high cholesterol or heart disease. Views: 28
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Affordable Heart Surgery in Guatemala cityAngels Abroad is a company that helps people travel to Guatemala city to have affordable medical treatments with doctors trained in the US and in world class facilities. This is an example of heart surgery prices: Heart bypass in the US: $100,000. In Guatemala: $20,000. We also help americans to finance surgeries. Views: 27
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