Suzanne Kilkus, PhD, is in the business of helping people like you find the way to making their dreams come true. She has over 25 years of experience in life and relationship coaching, counseling, and consulting. She is using these skills in promoting a home based business opportunity that focuses on the best financial education and wealth building opportunities available.
This business opportunity is a partnership with an exciting and unique company that is helping many people take charge of their lives by building a home based business, get out of debt quickly, and start investing in themselves and their futures through wise financial investments.
Suzanne wants you to be happy, healthy, and wealthy. She knows through her extensive professional and personal experience that when people are burdened with debt, financial worries, job dissatisfaction and stress, all areas of their lives suffer. Our relationships suffer, our families suffer, and our lives become a struggle rather than a source of happiness and joy. She knows that "Life is suppose to be fun!" And she helps people restore the fun and joy in their lives.
Suzanne is her own best customer using what she teaches and how she coaches people to realize her own dreams. For example, she recently completed her PhD which was a long held dream of hers. And she credits her happy thriving 38 year marriage to paying attention to her vision of marital happiness while learning and growing with her husband in all areas of their life.
Her mission/purpose in this life is to help people restore the flow of love in their lives and create happiness and joy so that they can make their own wonderful contributions to creating a better world for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations. This intention infuses all of her activities.
"Be the Change that you Want to See in the World." M. Gandhi
"The most important thing is to restore the flow of love in one's life." Suzanne Kilkus
"Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to 8 different bosses drone on about mission statements." quote from "Office Space"
"Giving and receiving are both needed to have a happy, thriving, rich, and fulfilling life" Suzanne Kilkus
Come to my website,, watch the little video, read the copy and fill out the form to receive my free report, "The Master Keys to Success". Or contact me at I look forward to hearing from you.