Seena B. Frost, M. Div., M.A. studied theology at Yale Divinity School, married, raised four children, and then received a Master's degree in psychology from Santa Clara University. She has been a psychotherapy clinician and supervisor in California for over thirty years, and has used many healing modalities including the work of C. G. Jung, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Eric Berne, and others.
In 2001, Seena's original SoulCollage® book was a finalist for the Nautilus 2002 Book Awards for titles that contribute significantly to conscious living and positive social change. Seena's new book, SoulCollage® Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery & Community, chronicles the growth of SoulCollage® from Seena's original seed idea to today's community of over 1,000 trained Facilitators in 45 states and 20 countries and a team of SoulCollage® Trainers who offer training programs internationally. SoulCollagers everywhere are discovering the transformative power of images, imagination and intuition through the simple yet profound process of SoulCollage®.
SoulCollage® Evolving is a Silver Medal Award Winner of the 2011 Nautilus Book Awards for the Personal Growth/Self-Help/Psychology category and also a Finalist in ForeWord Magazine's 2010 Book of the Year Awards in the Body, Mind, Spirit category.
Today Seena conducts SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainings in the Santa Cruz, CA area and Advanced SoulCollage® Workshops that help people use SoulCollage® as a creative personal practice and as a flexible and accessible tool for their professional life. She has recorded eight excellent CDs that provide in-depth information about this process, available through Hanford Mead Publishers, Inc.
Seena is the author of a book of poems on aging, The Journal of a Steadfast Fence, which shows one way that the awakened imagination can blossom into surprising form - like fences that talk.
Watch Seena's YouTube video - "Invitation to SoulCollage®"
Seena Frost Interviewed by JaiKaur - 2-Part Series on the Evolution of SoulCollage®
Part 1: Click here to listen.
Part 2: Click here to listen.
"SoulCollage® is a system for creating a deck of cards which is a visual journal, your own living journal to which you can add over years. Your deck of SoulCollage® cards will help you identify and image your diverse inner parts, the beautiful ones and shadowy ones, the easy-to-like ones, and the harder-to-like ones. You will also reflect on the external guides and allies in your life, visible and invisible, human and archetypal, and make cards for them. A SoulCollage® deck is the Story of You. It is a tangible way to know yourself in your diversity and depth, and also to show yourself to others. Showing your deck of SoulCollage® cards to another person is a holy experience. In like-spirited groups, you can share cards and work with them in many sacred ways. You can consult them intuitively and discover wisdom within yourself which will amaze you. Besides all this, creating them is just plain fun! You will love your deck -- a multi-card Mirror of your Self and your Soul -- whether it consists of three cards or a hundred." ~ Seena Frost
SoulCollage® is a process which begins as simple creative fun, but which suddenly may surprise and awaken you! Learn how to access your intuition and create an incredible deck of cards with deep personal meaning that will help you with life's questions. Click here to read our FAQ. Learn more at About SoulCollage®.
Visit our SoulCollage® Channel on YouTube to see a new video by Seena Frost, "An Invitation to SoulCollage®", and a collection of 1-minutes videos by SoulCollage® Facilitators sharing why they love SoulCollage®.
2. Ready to begin? SoulCollage® offers a variety of products to make it simple to begin making and reading from your own unique deck of collaged cards. Read Seena's new book, SoulCollage® Evolving, and listen to her collection of CDs. For more products, visit the SoulCollage® store at Hanford Mead Publishers.
3. Interested in experiencing SoulCollage® in a group? Click here to see a listing of workshops offered by Seena Frost and trained Facilitators across the country and internationally.
4. Search for a SoulCollage® Facilitator near you.
5. Interested in training as a SoulCollage® Facilitator? Read about the SoulCollage® Facilitator Training here.