Llyn Roberts's work highlights the opportunities that underlie the provocative, evolving time within which we now live - which promises to impact how we inhabit the planet, how we continue as a species, and how we know ourselves in relation to a larger universe.
Llyn Roberts is a teacher, visionary, author and intuitive. A student of the late Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, she holds a Masters degree in Tibetan Buddhist and Western Psychology and worked as a psychotherapist for the acclaimed Buddhist-inspired therapeutic community Windhorse (Maitri Psychological Services) in Boulder, CO. She has worked with NY Times best selling author, John Perkins for 12 years and runs the non-profit organization he founded, Dream Change, Inc. - dedicated to applying indigenous wisdom for global and personal change; preserving ancestral native lands, ancient wisdom ways and indigenous cultures.
Llyn Roberts is practiced in numerous body-mind and energetic therapies, has been trained extensively by Andean Quechua healers and is an intiate of Birdpeople shamanic circles in Siberia and South America. Roberts conducts transformational programs in Europe and at highly regarded holistic institutions in the US such as the Omega Institute, Esalen, Rowe Conference Center. She is adjunct faculty at Union Graduate School.
Utilizing ancient wisdom ways and those given to her by a Starry Brotherhood, Llyn teaches us how to access and embody our expanded spiritual aspects; live in ecstatic relationship with natural and cosmic forces; heal and tranform personally and globally; live harmoniously with our Earth Mother; open pathways that shift our consciousness enabling us to express our highest human potential.
Llyn Roberts's next books:
1) "Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness ~ How to Heal and Transform Yourself and Our World" (due out in 2009).
2) "Modern Shapeshifting Tales ~ Stories of People Who Have Healed and Transformed Using Shapeshifting Processes" (due out in 2009).
Llyn is featured with Sandra Ingerman, Tom Kenyon, The Barefoot Doctor, many indigenous teachers and others in Karen Sawyer's new book:
"Soul Companions ~ Worldwide Spirit Encounters, Conversations with Modern Wisdom Keepers".