Dr. Janet Smith Warfield
www.janetsmithwarfield.com (blog)
www.wordsculpturespublishing.com (free radio and TV interviews)
Author of Shift: Change Your Words, Change Your World
B.A., Swarthmore College
J.D., Rutgers School of Law, cum laude
Mother, grandmother, poet, mediator, author, and practicing lawyer for twenty-two years.
Janet Smith Warfield serves wisdom-seekers who want understanding and clarity so they can live peaceful, powerful, prosperous lives. Through her unique combination of holistic, creative, right-brain transformational experiences and 22 years of rigorous, left-brain law practice, she has learned how to sculpt words in atypical ways to shift her listeners into experiences beyond words, transforming turmoil into inner peace. Janet lives in Sarasota, Florida. For more information, visit www.wordsculptures.com, www.janetsmithwarfield.com, and www.wordsculpturespublishing.com.
Introduces participants to:
What we see.
The words we apply to what we see.
The meanings we give our words and those of others.
The emotions we want to feel.
The actions each of us decides to take.
2. Change Your Words, Change Your World (1 1/2 hours)
Deepens awareness of:
What we are focusing on, what significant others are focusing on, and the words each uses to describe the patterns they see.
The fact that the meanings of words change as experiential context changes, because all words have meaning only in the context of experiences.
The fact that each of us has choices in each and every moment as to:
What we see.
The words we apply to what we see.
The meanings we give our words and those of others.
The emotions we want to feel.
The actions we decide to take.
3. Ask the Right Questions to Get the Answers You Need (One hour)
Stay in the present moment. The present is your point of personal power. It is the only moment when you can choose and act.
Live in a spiritual house of many rooms: a room of emotion, a room of rationality, and a room of practicality, all connected with big sliding glass doors. Move from room to room so you can look at "what is" from different human perspectives.
Tap into the energy within. Empty your mind, body and spirit of all human-created form. Allow true Peace, Power and Prosperity to enter.
Welcome paradox. What logically appears inconsistent is perfectly congruent when understood at a soul level.
Notice your feelings. Just notice them, feel them, and own them as yours. Don't judge them. Just let them be.
Respect your feelings as trusted messengers. If you're feeling fear, anger, guilt, or frustration, perhaps your emotions are telling you there is something in your life you need to change.
Release your fear. Fear is the result of your mind focusing on something in the future that will probably never happen. Gently bring your mind back to the present moment - a moment that is always manageable.
Be aware that there are energies that will support your creative spirit and energies that will drain it. Surround yourself with supportive energies. Protect yourself from negative energies.
Understand that hate and love are Siamese twins. You can't hate war without loving peace. Focus on what you love.
Release guilt and blame. They are cobwebs from the past. You can't change what happened. You can only learn from your mistakes and not repeat them.
Make amends to the people you've hurt if you can. No one knows how long either of you will live. Today could be your last chance.
Be wary of words. Words are illusions dancing at a masked ball. Allow kind words to lift you up. Ignore unkind words. Unkind words say more about the speaker than they do about you.
Be grateful for views that clash with your own. They help you think more clearly.
Be skeptical. Give yourself permission to question authority.
Stop arguing about what is real and true. Start working with others to develop solutions.
Know that thought, words, and conceptual mind can neither penetrate nor describe a sacred space. Words twist, distort, and separate that which is whole. Protect the sacred space of your creative spirit with silence.
Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Mistakes are great things. They teach us what not to do the next time.
Welcome a consciousness with no boundaries. How can you hate or be angry when you are soaring like an eagle?
Seek clarity. If you don't understand something, ask the right people the right questions. You don't need to be told what to do. You need to get clearer on the options open to you.
Beware of arrogant little egos masquerading as authority. Be careful from whom you take direction. Always trust yourself first and others second.
Heal yourself first. Only then will you know how to heal the wounds of others.
Allow yourself to be sculpted by the universal creative energy that sculpts us all. You can resist this energy if you choose, but it will sculpt you one way or another, with painful lessons or easy ones - your choice. You are created in its image. Your purpose on earth is to create. You can choose to block the flow or allow it to work through you. Only when you allow it to work through you can you fully create and fulfill your purpose on earth.
What are you willing to die for? Whatever you're willing to die for is what you must live for.
Go to http://WordSculptures.com and read what interests you. Mystical experience? Optical illusions? Creativity?
If you like what you see, sign up for the free preview (ten free tips) from 101 Paths to Peace, Power and Prosperity.
If you want to go deeper, order 101 Paths to Peace, Power and Prosperity, http://wordsculpturespublishing.com/products/101-paths/ or order Shift: Change Your Words, Change Your World,
If you want to go deeper still, set up a workshop with Janet or schedule a private consultation by emailing janet@wordsculptures.com.