Dr. Darlene Two Trees-Cannon combines ancient wisdom with modern knowledge. Using the Native American Medicine Shield as a tool of focus and connection she leads you through your self imposed limitations while gently engaging tools such as EFT, Dr. Emoto's ("Hidden Messages in Water") work and quantum energy. She lends her expertise and experience to assist you in finding your way to balance hence living in a 'state of grace'. The daughter of the late Cherokee healer, Chief Two Trees, she strives to teach her inherited knowledge to all women sincerely willing to actively pursue their own personal power anb open connection with the Divine Feminine.
She currently lives in the Texas Hill Country with her sheep, goats and dogs. Her hobbies are spiritual farming. cheese making and creating original recipe cheesecakes. She uses fiber from her animals for her Shield creations.
Darlene conducts Shield Healing workshops, teleseminars and consultations. She has written several books ranging from a childrens book to a recipe book.
There are many, many people who have done and said inspiring quotes. Yet I didn't grow up with them, or know them personally, or learn from them while playing poker in the evenings. I did with my father. The most amazing thing about him was he never let his 'faults or shortcomings' interfere with his ability to help people heal and he focused on what he did best. He kept an open mind and was able to view the best of each and every persons soul. The following are some of his words of wisdom.
"My primary reason for being here is to help somebody"
Chief Two Trees
"Even though we are all aware that the only true cure for dis-ease is within ourselves, there are methods we can use to make the body more comfortable, in order that we may spend more time on going within ourselves.
Let us remember that in order to rid ourselves of this disharmony or disease, we must balance it within its' counterpart. The methods that I use will give comfort on a temporary basis, unless we do something to deliberatley stop them. We do have the power, you know. And some methods will work regardless. I recommend specific things in order that we may start on our path of comfort for the physical. The main method I will address is the essence of flowers and herbs. When we speak of essences, we are speaking of the life force of the plant or flower... the vibratory level of the plant. This is not the plant itself. With the use of these essences, we can cause the imbalance within ourselves to immediately begin to rebalance.
This then will help to eliminate the temptation to reist or to "yes, but" the other methods of relief we are using for our outer bodies comfort. These essences will help us in our travels within. They help us look at things that we see, without harsh judgmental attitudes we may have.
We have all heard the old saying "we are our own worst enemy". These essences will automatically start the relief from the dis-ease, as well as the complete cure. Those who are truly on the path, will go within to balance and live life in harmony, thereby eliminating emotional stress and dis-ease. Each essence vibrates to something within ourselves. When taken consistently, the vibration will be strongly ingrained within us. The essences are balance factors. They will create only harmony. I prefer to take all the essences together. Otherwise when you only take one essence at a time, then other issues that are unaddressed begin to crop up. Like going through a series of doors, where you see the next one only when you have completely opened up the first.
Chief Two Trees
"Isolating minerals and vitamins and properties of herbs is analogous to 'stripping' the knowledge from Nature and leaving Wisdom behind."
Chief Two Trees
"I tell people who come to me, "I'll share what I have with you, if you care to use it fine. It won't make me happy or unhappy. If you don't care to use it... it won't make me happy or unhappy either. And if you use it and become healed, what you do with yourself after that will determine whether I'm happy or unhappy for sharing with you."
Chief Two Trees
"Over the years people ask me what I attribute my healing powers to. I learned from my parents and grandparents that the human body heals itself along with the power of God. However, man has a duty in the healing also."
Chief Two Trees
"In industrialization, people pay a grocery store for their food, they pay a minister to take care of their spiritual needs and they pay a physician to take care of their physical needs. And people just sit back and expect their moneys worth, they don't do a thing. So, they overload their physician and they overload their minister, neither of which can accomplish what people could do for themselves. But people pay out money and expect the Key to Heaven and they pay out money and expect perfect health and pay out money to grocery stores and expect perfect nutrition. People pay out money and get about a ten percent return on their investment. Ninety percent of what you receive comes from you, only ten percent comes from whatever is helping you. The problem is, we are too busy working and paying somebody else to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves."
Chief Two Trees
"When you quit growing you begin to die. When you quit learning, you begin to deteriorate. Everyday my life is dedicated to learning something new. Either I am learning that what I learned last month is not complete or learning something entirely new."
Chief Two Trees
"Being Native American Indian is a state of mind which creates a way of life. With this way of life comes teaching and knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Now is the time to share this knowledge and I am willing to help those that are sincere in their desire to help themselves. However, I only provide the tools that begin the process, the real work comes from their effort.
Chief Two Trees
"I love life. People used to come to me with the flu or a headache that they had suffered with for weeks. I would wonder, 'why don't they let go? Why do they hold onto it?' I see now that people have lost touch with themselves. They are looking for someone to point them in the right direction and give them answers. Being aware is the first step, then comes the desire to know more. Sooner or later they will learn that they had the answers all along."
Chief Two Trees
"You help people that ask...you don't go out soliciting for them. If people ask then that means that they are ready to recieve help. Help, to us means helping someone help themselve, not doing it for them."
Chief Two Trees
Dr. Darlene Two Trees Cannon RN, ND
3892 Keese Road
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624