I am a published author, metaphysician and Witch. My first book, GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, received rave reviews. My newest book, HER GODMOTHER, is consistently rated as a five star read and is a story particularly close to my heart. The main character, Allie, is heartbroken becuase her father is an alcoholic. As an adult child of an alcoholic, this is a topic I know personally and in HER GODMOTHER, tools for healing from the mystical point of view help Allie heal from her sorrow. A book for children and adults a like, HER GODMOTHER bridges all ages with its message of everyday magic as the secret to healing. As for me I am a mental retardation and disabilities specialist and have been a syndicated columnist in the politicall, spiritual and metaphysical genres. In addition I have also been a published print columnist in New York, political commentator for WJFF radio in New York and podcast commentator for Internet Radio Voices. My work appears in a number of new age publications including but not limited to Self Growth, Lightsource, E Spirit, Grannymoon, Witch's Voice. Circle of Stars and Pagazine.
Stop by and visit my websites: about.me/CateCavanagh.com catecavanagh.wix.com/cate-cavanagh
My website, quantumspirituality.tripod.com offers free books by Wiccans and Metaphysicians as well as free articles by diverse experts and web links.
You are invited the articles I have written for Selfgrowth.com. Just type Cate Cavanagh and search for me and you will find them!
I can be changed by what happens to me
but I refuse to be reduced by it. (Maya Angelou)
Founder of Quantum Spirituality, The Science of Change I am also a Psychic Reader, Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Life Coach, Spiritual Consultant and Life Reinvention specialist. I read multiple Tarot Cards and can help you learn how to help yourself move forward in your life and am available for workshops and lectures, supernatural/occult/magical consultant for television and film. As an Eclectic, I will honor all traditions!
I offer workshops and lectures as well as online courses that address the topics:
Intensive training and ultimate certification in QUANTUM SPIRITUALITY, The Science of Change
Making Obstacles Work For You.
Are you "stuck"? How to get in spiritual gear.
Karmic Cleansing and moving forward.
Surviving the death of loved ones.
Is there really life after life?
What your spiritual mission is and how discovering it can change your life!
Guided meditations for personal growth.
Pet loss is extremely devastating. I offer individual counseling, lectures and workshops on pet loss, grief and moving forward.
Private, individualized services and readings by email and by phone (at no phone charge to you)
I also offer Tarot and Psychic phone consultations and readings:
Extensive Wheel Of The Year readings are available to guide you through the next twelve months. Past Life Readings help you understand your present incarnation and can through them I can help you work past your "karma".
Change is difficult but through my individualized Spiritual Coaching and Life Reinvention Counseling you can learn how to create the life you are meant to have. This counseling utilizes the principles of Quantum Spirituality, The Science of Change.
Sometimes there is only one issue that is blocking us from moving us forward so if you are conflicted an Animal Medicine Card reading can help you make positive choices for where you are in your life now.
Do you sense that animals are your unique messengers? Would you like to know what are your animal totems are? I can help you discover these amazing harbingers of wisdom, based on Native teachings.
Email catecavanagh@gmail.com for all rates and conference scheduling.
Free free to "Google" me. My numerous works and achievements are readily available. My newest book, HER GODMOTHER, is available at Barnes and noble, fine bookstores, barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com For more information please visit my websites: about.me/CateCavanagh.com catecavanagh.wix.com/cate-cavanagh
Contact me: cate.cavanagh@yahoo.com