Does yoga aid individuals getting off drugs? Can it improve one’s way of living drastically or can it be merely a fad that therapy centers seem to be jumping on? With Lindsay Lohan in rehab many of us are asking the question, will she be capable of abstaining from drugs & alcohol? It's the fourth time she has entered rehab in four years. For most the idea of the starlet entering rehab to stop her alcohol and methamphetamine habit seemed to be a farce. A quick jail term inside a comfy establishment, watching TV, accompanied by healthy food choices and yoga.

Many medical practitioners point out that statistically most rehab treatment centers are exorbitantly costly having an extremely high relapse rate, (some charge a reported $48,000 per month!) whereas yoga is helping more people in mainstream society spell the perfect way to stay stable, productive, well-balanced and fully in life, clear of gloom.

This isn't to say the 12-step program does not work. Though individuals are all unique, but a very important factor you can actually guide them with across the board is to come to feel health radiate through themselves, compose the noisy repetitive feelings that lead to low self-esteem with meditation, to relax and detoxify their cells so they may begin anew.

Yoga has been used effectively to deal with depression and anxiety and is being used increasingly more as a technique to manage addiction. Not only a kind of exercise, Yoga is a exercise of balance. Not only balancing in poses, but essentially letting ones body, mind and spirit enter into harmony with itself. For people who are suffering from an addiction this is a crucial area of their recovery. Evolved in ancient India, the art of self-mastery has echoed through the ages.

Lifelong dancer and Yogini, Mary McGuire Wien, author of The 7-Day Total Cleanse, has a luxury eco-retreat in the Hampton’s. This Yogini has been living a Yoga lifestyle for years and is a firm believer in the effectiveness of Yoga and cleansing, with her complete philosophy relies upon putting great beauty and goodness into your life on every single level and experiencing more of the same.

Addiction impacts your body, the mind, and the spirit. As reported by American Yogini, Mary McGuire-Wien, addiction is born of insecurity, and fear of "feeling" or being present with oneself in any way. " Lindsay Lohan, as all celebrities are naturally more prone to all kinds of negative and judgmental energy from people they have never even met. It's the feeling of being judged from others - especially others we love--along with self loathing and puzzling emotions undoubtedly arising out of being judged. Performers such as Lindsay are in fact exceptionally giving, loving and hard working, trying so hard to please. It can be disorienting to be latched onto by people who have self-serving motives, especially at such a early age.

Yoga generates alignment and clarity on all plains that is definitely so empowering. To remain "self sourced" in a world of conflicting messages that include unspoken and publicly printed motivations and judgments is a miracle. And yoga has been that miracle for thousands. "
Almost everything about yoga, raw juice cleansing and raw food feasting is included in Mary’s book, "The 7 Day Total Cleanse" not to mention at her boutique retreat which supplies healing body and energy work near New York City.

So while Lindsay Lohan has finished her stay at UCLA medical center for methamphetamine addiction and depression we understand the general media persists to feed her negative energy and judgments as they all tell us how silly she appears, perhaps she really should just turn to yoga? It seems by all accounts that it may enhance her concentration and her life. "We all need an hour a day of feeling some self love, and to reconnect with our innocence. I feel Lindsay is such a sweet and loving soul and definitely will find her way back to herself and be ready to see clearly what exactly is real and what is unreal."

Author's Bio: 

American Yogini, a division of Hohm, LLC, is a luxurious eco-chic New York Health & Wellness Retreat specializing in juice cleansing, weight loss, detox & yoga lifestyle.

Mary McGuire-Wien, Author of The 7 Day Total Cleanse, is committed to teaching, guiding and inspiring you through your juice cleanse, juice detox & weight loss retreat. Be sure to get your Perfect Time to Cleanse report at:

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