Blood Sugar

Blood glucose also is known as blood sugar. Actually, it is the sugar which carries all the cell through the bloodstream to transfer energy in the whole body. A person must have to blood sugar level to the balance Otherwise, he may face disease of diabetes. Moreover, if he is not conscious about balancing blood sugar he may face heart disease. Blood sugar monitoring measures the amount of sugar during working of the body.

Where to obtain Sugar?

People obtain this sugar from various diet. The human body regulates blood glucose levels that keep the sugar level normal. Glucose is like fuel to cells of the body, but not enough to overload the bloodstream. To support vital functions, blood’s internal environment must remain stable and moderate. Where Blood sugar Balance keeps changing the whole day. For example, after eating level rises and then settle down to the normal after an hour. Where they are at the lowest point before breakfast.
Today, here we’ll discuss the ideal target levels for the blood glucose and providing an overview of glucose itself. Further, we’ll discuss about its healthy range, etc.

What is a healthy blood sugar level?

Different health authorities consider a normal fasting blood sugar level to below 99 milligrams per deciliter. They put forward this report after great research and study.
A diabetes association in America suggests that the target level of 60-120 mg before eating for a person with diabetes. According to the study, the blood sugar level must be less than 180mg before having a meal.
People who don’t keep their blood sugar level moderate they may face diabetes

What is diabetes?

This is a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated

levels of glucose in the blood.

Diabetes has become a common disease these days. It increases blood glucose or blood sugar level too high. It is on record, in 2015-16 about 9.5% population which becomes round about 30.4 Million people had diabetes in the United States. And most of them don’t know that they are suffering from such disease. High blood sugar causes the following problems.
• Kidney disease
• Dental diseases
• Heart diseases
• Eye problems
• Nerve-damaging
• Feet problems

What is Glucose?

As we mentioned up there Glucose is sugar which regulates blood in the whole body. Which is the main source of energy for the human. In the process of digestion, carbohydrates through the diet process them into sugar molecules. Basically, it processes them into sugar molecules of different complexities. Complex carbohydrates, such as the lactose common in dairy product, are harder for the body to break down. We can say that glucose is another product of carbohydrate. It is the sugar which is converted into energy for the whole body. After digestion, sugar directly goes to the bloodstream.
However, glucose is the only entry in the bloodstream if the body has enough insulin. If not, it stops circulating in the bloodstream. Insulin is the protein which makes the cells able to receive glucose. These cells are useless without insulin, in other, they become too lubricant which effects it too. The pancreas releases insulin automatically to transport blood to the cell. After meal concentration of sugar increases. As much cell gain amount of glucose, blood sugar level becomes more stable. The liver and muses store more amount of glucose like glycogen.
Importance of Glycogen
Basically, Glycogen plays the main role to achieve homeostasis. It helps in the functioning of the body during starvation states. Glycogen is converted into glucose and helps to bring the blood level to the normal.

High levels

Hyperglycemia is the condition in which blood sugar level increases. People who are suffering from a different disease like diabetes, Cushing’s syndrome, etc. can face the experience of hyperglycemia. People who are having different steroid may also face hyperglycemia. Normally this disease occurs when there is less insulin in the body, in other words, we can say that when cells become less sensitive to insulin. By the way, glucose cannot enter inter in the cells without insulin.
Symptoms of hyperglycemia include:
1. Dry mouth
2. Increased thirst
3. Frequent urination
4. Tiredness
5. Lightheadedness
6. blurred vision
7. headache
8. Nausea
9. weakness

Low levels

As we mentioned up there, hypoglycemia occurs when the blood sugar level falls below the normal. People with diabetes have a higher risk of these diseases.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
1. tingling lips
2. trembling in the hands and other parts of the body
3. pale face
4. sweating
5. palpitations or increased heart rate
6. anxiety
7. dizziness or lightheadedness

Author's Bio: 

Farukh Khursheed is a Professional Blogger and Writer. He loves to write about Health and Weight Loss. He has written numerous articles and blog posts on topics related to Health,