Astrology's etymological meaning is ' Astron ' means star and ' Logos ' means science Overall; it's the science that studies the stars within the horoscope of each person. It's been prevailing not only in India but also all over the planet. However, India has been paid importance for the study and research for this sublime science. The study of astrology is being respected by every family of India. Every work is finished with the assistance of the science of astrology.

The horoscope foretells almost every area of a person like health, wealth, love, marriage, business, and profession, etc.

The horoscope is erected by the assistance of nine planets on the heavenly body at the time of birth. The nine planets would get a position in several houses of the zodiac sign. These nine planets and twelve signs of the zodiac have an important role in the lifetime of every person. As per the position of the planets within the horoscope, the life of mankind is decided. The philosophy of astrology foresees almost every area of human life. It's as easy as ABC to predict the marriage and madness from the horoscope. The nine planets such as - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu have an important role in the lifetime of every person.

Indian astrology contains great value across the world because of the availability of the remedial measures for any problem that comes within the lifetime of a person. This type of remedial measure isn't found in the astrology of Chinese or western people. That's why; the pundits of India are highly respected worldwide. The Indian horoscope very scientifically measures the time period of human life. The Vedic astrology can easily predict the timing of marriage, blessing child, success in business, success or failure loving affairs, etc. except this, the pundit can even foresee the imminent danger and therefore the remedy for a similar.

So to talk, the remedy is that the shield for any problem. There are many sorts of remedies like Vedic rituals or Yagna, gems, Yantras, and mantra, etc. The Yagna is performed by the help of Vedic pundit. The Yantras is installed by the assistance of Brahmin pundit. The gems are recommended to wear within the finger. The astrology science prescribes to wear the birthstone of the actual finger. As a result, it becomes more beneficial to the wearer.

The Gems in astrology are prescribed as per the position of planets in the horoscope. The ascendant in one's horoscope is extremely important to pick a gemstone. It's also vital to calculate the horoscope and lucky stone properly since it gives negativity to the wearer of the incorrect gemstone. The best astrologer in Bangalore also prescribes Yagna at a bad time in life. The Yagna like Rudrabhisekh, Chandipath and Navagraha Puja are quite common and popular among all the Yagna at the bad phase of life. The science of Indian astrology is the panacea of all the matter in human life. The people from all walks of life are following and revering the philosophy of astrology from time immemorial.

Author's Bio: 

Sri Tulasi is an eminent astrologer in India who has more than 15 years of experience.