In today’s diversified industry, cold storage is an important service. They are designed to achieve absolute efficiency in sensitive products needing specific temperature control. Such services even maintain the temperature steadily regardless of how frequently the cold storage is opened or closed.

The whole point is that such sensitive products require a balance between maintaining the desired temperature and not hampering the stored items. And that is what makes them such a big thing all across Australia.

But, What Are The Hallmarks Of A Quality Cold Storage Service Provider? 

The answer is simple. Since the primary focus is to keep food products (dairy, meat and produce) from spoiling, before transit or sale; you should look at its features like:-

Efficient Storage Utilisation:- 

As per the state policies, every sensitive product must be sold fresh. So a quality service provider will ensure optimal storage conditions. For seamless storage and accessibility, top-rates storage facilities may also use-:-

  • Double deep pallet racking systems- that help increase 65% space usage and offers flexibility.
  • Drive-in/through racking system- to compensate ample stocking space.
  • ASRS shuttle set-up- ideal for storing beverages and similar products. They also maintain optimal hygiene and product accuracy.

Various Cold Rooms With Different Prescribed Temperatures:-

Reducing wastage is crucial when handling products. If it is rough, it can lead to tears and rips in the packing process or exposure to non-sterile environments which could prompt spoilage. To prevent all this, reliable refrigerated cold storage will have various cold rooms prescribed at different temperatures for quality and meticulous maintenance.

They will keep track of the cooling temperature 24x7, (even fitting in temperature alarms) to immediately notify about any change or drop of temperature. 

Inventory Control Proficiency:-

Not all perishable or sensitive products are the same. They all require different levels of temperature control to stay fresh and usable. Quality storage facilities will keep this in mind when preserving their client’s items. And they will also keep track of which product stays under a certain temperature to prevent spoilage and retain its freshness.

Example- You can store seafood for no more than 2-days, produce for 3-days and meat products for a week. Other products may need different storage limits, but it is the duty of a refrigerated storage service in Brisbane (or anywhere in Australia) to know about every one of them.

And Lastly- Safety Food Regulations & Their Chain Of Responsibility:-

Top-rated cold storage facilities will adhere to safe food regulations such as the HACCP- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. These agencies will use these regulations to:-

  • Map out the whole supply chain.
  • Ensure optimal product quality.
  • Adopt corrective measures if any issues are detected.

Similarly, they will also follow a Chain Of Responsibility (COR) legislation to recognise:-

  • On-road behaviour
  • Ensure transport operations are safe
  • Formulate safety management measures to identify inherent risks in both the transportation and cold storage facilities.

So, keep these crucial aspects in mind when sorting out reliable cold storage in Brisbane for your sensitive and temperature specific products. It will save you time and allow you to associate with a reputed name in the region!

So, all the best!

Author's Bio: 

The author runs a cold storage facility in Brisbane for years. And along with serving the vivid storage needs of countless clients, the author educates the readers through different posts on refrigerated storage services in Brisbane.