Thirty-three year old Roberto had promised his wife Tina that he would be home after work in time for her to attend her weekly “women’s group” at her church. Having only one automobile, Tina was completely at the mercy of Roberto’s promise.
You guessed it! Roberto did ... Views: 18168
"Dr.Fiore,” the voice on the phone pleaded,“I need anger management classes right away.
I blew up at my girlfriend last night and she said it’s over until I get help."
As Kevin recounted the first night of class, he and his girlfriend had argued in the car over which route to ... Views: 9922
Dealing with angry people in our society is becoming increasingly challenging. Some days, it seems anger surrounds us at home, in the workplace, on the roadways, and at sports events. It is easy to get caught up in an escalating spiral of angry exchanges which usually upsets everyone and does ... Views: 25990
Rudy and Marjorie were on the verge of divorce. Married 12 years, they had constant verbal battles ending in what therapists call call emotional disengagement— meaning that they simply ignored each other for days on end.Emotionally, they were simmering inside and also lonely for each other, but ... Views: 3829
Thirty-three year old Roberto had promised his wife Tina that he would be home after work in time for her to attend her weekly "women's group" at her church. Having only one automobile, Tina was completely at the mercy of Roberto's promise.
You guessed it! Roberto did not show up until 8:45 ... Views: 10839
Sixty-four year old Bill was a married retired executive who sought anger management help on the insistence of his wife Ann.
After 24 years Ann could no longer tolerate his bullying behavior toward her, their children, and their friends. He would often relate in an insulting, "get in your ... Views: 3076
45 year old Judy revealed in an anger management class that she was constantly angry at her husband. When asked why, she revealed that her aged mother lives next door and she always felt conflicted whether to spend time with her husband or her mother after work.
She loved them both, but ... Views: 3969
4 Steps to Teaching Your Family to Treat You Better
by Dr. Tony Fiore
Case #1- Elizabeth, a 40 year old homemaker was always feeling angry and “used” by her family, constantly saying that everybody took advantage of her. She felt that she worked like a slave but her family showed no ... Views: 4335
“Dr. Fiore,” my 42 year old married patient (Mary) began, “once again my family expects me to host Christmas dinner and I am simply too exhausted; what should I do?”
“Why not tell them how you feel?” I asked.
“Because I don’t want to hurt their feelings – I always feel guilty if I don’t do ... Views: 12785
Case #1: Jeanette and Tom had been married 15 years. Wanting
to surprise him for his birthday, Jeanette, with her own money, bought Tom a big-screen LCD television.
Tom’s reaction? He instantly blew up and berated Jeanette for spending so much money—buying more television than they needed, a ... Views: 4068
5 Steps to Adjusting Your Expectations
Dateline: January 4th. Orange County Anger Management class participants review anger triggers of the week.
Jane, age 23, engaged to be married: “My boyfriend openly flirts with other women in front of me.”
Jim, age 40, an IT professional: “a work group ... Views: 14843
Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist (the glass is half-empty), while Anthony is an optimist (the glass is half-full).
These outlooks influence how they experience similar ... Views: 2864