I just read a great book called Groundswell, winning in a world transformed by social technologies. I urge all of you that are reading my articles to get this book. It was written by two VP’s from Forrester Research, Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. For those of you unfamiliar with Forrester ... Views: 1070
We have covered in the last four newsletters several important aspects of marketing. Branding and telling your story, understanding the importance of new media and the world of web 2.0, one of the most important web 2.0 marketing channels social networking and the importance of your internet ... Views: 1213
Are You Optimizing Your Website and Internet Presence?
Today internet presence for most companies is common place. Many companies and businesses still find that their website is not getting the traffic that they would expect or maybe they expected that the traffic would automatically come, ... Views: 1141
A corporate brand is a proprietary visual, emotional, and cultural image surrounding a company and/or its products. Corporate branding and identity development is one of the most important investments a company can make. OEM has taken the plunge and has made a commitment to re-introducing and ... Views: 1255
Branding is most commonly used to differentiate a product or service in the eyes of the consumer from a similar product or service offered by the competition. As a result companies use mass media campaigns, product identity (corporate logos) and graphic design to promote their product or service ... Views: 1047
These days the key buzz words in the world of marketing and branding focus on New Media. What is New Media? It can be defined by the “concept that new methods of communicating in the digital world allow smaller groups of people to congregate online and share, sell and swap goods and ... Views: 1225
In January’s news article I spoke about New Media and the importance of using various pathways to educate current and potential customers and provide access to products and services. This month I felt that it was important to talk about Social Networking. What is Social Networking? “Social ... Views: 1075