A few weeks ago, when I was in Manchester for healing sessions, two of my clients and one of my colleagues talked about being drawn to wear a different type of clothes. This is an experience I've had at different times in my life, including when I was recovering from ME / CFS (chronic fatigue ... Views: 1270
Hello there! Over the last few days, I have been reminded of the way the body sometimes quite literally speaks to us. We can see this in our everyday language: "He's a pain in the neck." "I knew it - I had a gut feeling about him." Or " I put it all behind me."
I remember the first time I ... Views: 1290
Hello! I hope you've all been enjoying the sunny weather - I certainly have been feeling as some kind of weight has been taken off me as the sunshine comes.
This week I am going to write about another really powerful healing technique - relationship cords healing. The idea behind this healing ... Views: 1480
I learned to meditate about 17 years ago, and nowadays meditate 4 or 5 times a week, as well as going on intensive meditation retreats from time to time. For me, it's an essential part of a busy life - a chance for time to be with myself, to see what's really going on in my body and my mind when ... Views: 1262
It seems an appropriate time to come to the end of our journey through the chakras - the Crown Chakra.
This is the part of the journey that is less to do with our individual selves, and more to do with transcending a sense of separate self.
When we are balanced in this chakra, we are ... Views: 1226
We are now near the end of our journey through the chakras - at the third eye chakra (also known as the brow chakra), which is located in the centre of the forehead. Here, at the end of the journey in the territory of the sixth and seventh chakras, we are in the spiritual realm - where the sense ... Views: 1327
Hello! We are a long way through our chakra journey, now at the throat chakra. This chakra is associated obviously with speaking and communication. But it is far more than that - it is about how we express ourselves in our totality in the world, and how we communicate our truth and the essence ... Views: 1412
Hello! Here I am again, this time writing about the heart chakra. I am now half way through writing about the chakras - and the heart is indeed the bridge between the lower three chakras, which are more to do with the physical plane, and the higher three chakras which link us to the divine and ... Views: 2225
Public speaking is often cited as people's number one fear. And I know it was like this for me - I remember as an accountant dreading giving presentations and talks. Then, as I wanted to share things that were closer to my heart, such as my spiritual practice, I realised I needed to get over ... Views: 1258
Hello again! Now it is time to continue the journey through the chakras, and look at the sacral chakra.
The sacral chakra is located just below the belly button, and is associated with creativity and sexuality, and is to do with our appetite for both food and sex. When we are balanced here, ... Views: 1170
When my clients are learning the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a question that often comes up is whether it is "OK" to go back to what we may call "bad" things in our lives in order to release and heal them. People fear, from what they know of positive thinking and affirmations, that ... Views: 1078
Hello again! So, I am writing about the base chakra again. Last time, I wrote about the properties of a balanced base chakra, and also about the types of issues and conditions that can occur when the base chakra is out of balance. This time, I would like to write about how to balance and heal ... Views: 1115
When I had just moved out to Hebden Bridge, the issues that are to do with the base chakra were very current for me. Even though I really wanted to move out here, and I love it here, at the time I was feeling very "wobbly" and ungrounded - unsurprising in that I have literally "uprooted" myself ... Views: 1148
The other night I was at 5 rhythms dance (a dance that is fun and also therapeutic and healing) - and at the end of the session, someone started to talk to me about her experience of being round me in the dance (nothing frightening! - only positive.)
I was really pleased she had spoken to me, ... Views: 1278
Over the last week or so, I have been listening to a lot of inspirational people in the raw food world talk about various aspects of following this type of diet (whether a completely or only in part raw food diet). The experts talked about all kinds of aspects related to eating and food: ... Views: 1176
Recently, I've had quite a few clients coming to see me with food related issues, which got me thinking about my own (continuing) journey with food.
Looking back on my childhood, it is now completely clear to me how (unintentionally of course) my family conditioning set up strong connections ... Views: 1170
I find that I am often talking about grounding, and the importance of being grounded - and talk and write comparatively little about the importance of a connection with the heavens, the divine, God - whatever term you use, or whatever resonates with you.
I think one of the main reasons I talk ... Views: 1180
Over the last couple of months, I have become increasingly interested in a healing modality called "Access Consciousness." It's a system of healing that is designed to bring us out of judgement, and into awareness and consciousness. It includes both hands on body work, and verbal enquiry ... Views: 1287
Last month I went to the Sheffield ME group to lead a sound healing workshop. Sound healing was a key element in my own recovery journey, and I love sharing this with other people.
How does sound healing work? Everything in the universe is vibrating - the chair you're sitting on, you, the ... Views: 1023
I have been offering Chronic Fatigue Discovery sessions for the last six months or so, and can see very clearly how people are benefiting from them. So I thought I would write a little bit more about the benefits to you of a discovery session. So, first things first: why have I chosen the title ... Views: 908
Yet again, it is my clients who have prompted me with what to write about this week. Just today, I have had 2 conversations with clients about mindfulness. One person was going out this evening to a talk on mindfulness, and another was talking about her mindfulness meditation practice, and how ... Views: 905
This week I am again inspired by my clients as to what to write about. I was scheduling a session with one of my clients who completed my two month Chronic Fatigue Syndrome programme a couple of months ago - and in one of his emails to me he told me how grateful he was to me that he can really ... Views: 833
Yet again, I am inspired to write about something that happened in a healing session with one of my clients last week. It very nicely illustrates how energy healing works, and how energy is experienced and perceived by different people.
In the case taking part of the session, Marianne (name ... Views: 994
This week I thought I would write about something dear to my heart, and core to the way I work with people recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - inner child healing.
Inner child healing is one of the key modalities of the Integrated Healing work I do, as well as being fundamental to the ... Views: 927
I will be meeting up with three old school friends in a few weeks time - and I have been having some "flashbacks" to the past - one of which I thought it would be useful to write about.
I can have a habit of wasting time and procrastinating - and not always doing things in the most efficient ... Views: 809
Hello again! Last time, I wrote about what I consider one of the most powerful healing modalities: inner child healing. I described how we can form (unhelpful) patterns as a child which continue into adulthood. Energy healing gives us the chance to release the energy behind those patterns. This ... Views: 846
It's often the case that my dance teachers say things like "the body loves to move" or "make your body happy - move in the way it wants to move." And, for me now that resonates as truth. I know from my experience with energy healing and recovery from illness that emotions are held in the energy ... Views: 899
I thought this week I would write about the power of cleansing, and my own experience of a juice cleanse from a few years ago, when I was in the midst of recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I wasn't at all looking forward to my week long herbs and juice cleanse -hoping for good results ... Views: 907
It's often the case that my dance teachers say things like "the body loves to move" or "make your body happy - move in the way it wants to move." And, for me now that resonates as truth. I know from my experience with energy healing and recovery from illness that emotions are held in the energy ... Views: 905
I thought this week I would write about the power of cleansing, and my own experience of a juice cleanse from a few years ago, when I was in the midst of recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I wasn't at all looking forward to my week long herbs and juice cleanse -hoping for good results ... Views: 972
I was reading a book when I was in Spain by my favourite (at the moment!) author - William Boyd. It's set just before and during the First World War, and at the beginning of the story, the hero is in Vienna, where he is having psychotherapy from a pupil of Freud's. And seeing how this unfolded ... Views: 1156
I was talking with one of my clients who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the phone the other day, and she was telling me about her experience of finding a doctor within the mainstream medical world where she lives in Belgium. She needs the practical support of a doctor within the system to help ... Views: 1126
In my last article, I was writing about the many ways in which the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can be used, whether we are suffering from illness or not. I wrote about how it can be useful for tapping on physical or emotional symptoms, how it can be used for "clearing" limiting beliefs ... Views: 938
In the last week, I have worked a lot with clients using the Emotional Freedom technique (EFT) - and in a number of different ways - to manage the physical symptoms of ME, beliefs around health and illness as well as a way of just feeling more calm and more happy. I am also using it myself a lot ... Views: 903
As is often the case, it is my clients that give me ideas of what to write about in these articles. Yesterday, in a healing session with a client on my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome treatment programme, he was telling me about some of the changes he has noticed:
- Not having to rest every time he ... Views: 995
I realise that when I am writing these articles about the work I do, and speaking to clients and friends that I often say things like: "of course, things are speeding up with the 2012 energy", or "of course, healing is happening more quickly now", or "of course, it's 2012 - now is the time to ... Views: 936
People often ask me if I can “cure” a specific condition or illness, or what the difference is between “healing” and “curing.”
I remember when I was first ill with chronic fatigue syndrome / ME, I wanted a “cure.” And by that, I understood that I wanted the whole “nasty” incident of illness ... Views: 1164
I gained inspiration for this article from some reading I was doing about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT.) Although what I was reading was already familiar to me, it somehow went deeper, and made me realise yet again the power of this and other energy therapies.
The article I read was ... Views: 1532
I was just sitting at my laptop with a view of my garden and the hills beyond, when I received this email from someone who has just started the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME Breakthrough programme with me:
“It was great to meet you on Friday. I think that I can safely say that you met a ... Views: 1170
I have just written a series of articles about coming to terms with an ME diagnosis: the beginning stage of an illness where an ME diagnosis can be affirming, the period of adjusting to the diagnosis, and then finally the opportunity to transcend the ME diagnosis and move into a space of greater ... Views: 1158
This is the third of three articles that looks at the process of receiving an ME diagnosis, coming to terms with it and now in the final post what I call “transcending” the ME diagnosis. I have written about how initially receiving the diagnosis can be helpful and affirming (see Healing from ME: ... Views: 1248
In a recent article, I wrote about the early stages of ME. At this stage, it is very common (and completely understandable) to experience a lot of fear, confusion and loss of confidence. And an ME diagnosis from an established authority like a medical doctor can be really affirming - and can ... Views: 1344
Over the last 10 days or so, I have been in Spain, partly catching some bright, sometimes hot sunshine, but also doing a lot of work on the expansion of my healing practice to specialise in the treatment of ME. I have been writing about my experience of the condition a lot in the copy for my new ... Views: 1069
This article another article about the energetic patternings that can underly the chronic illness known as ME. As you may know if you have read any of my other articles, I am writing from my own experience of recovering from ME, and from the experience of my clients who come with this ... Views: 1305
I am writing energetic patternings that are common with ME. This material is based on a mixture of my own experience of living with and recovering from ME and seeing clients with this condition.
The energetic patterning I would like to talk about is an overall energetic stuckness and ... Views: 1241
Before Christmas as I stepped out into the December night after being at my singing group, I could feel the cold “seeping” into my bones. As well as the immediate thoughts (“I don’t like that!” “I preferred being in Spain last week to this!” and “maybe I will emigrate!!!”) I realised that this ... Views: 1373
If you're reading this article, it is probably because you or someone you are close to is suffering from some kind of chronic illness. You may have tried many ways of getting better: conventional medicine, different alternative therapies, changing your diet. Whilst these sometimes seem to work ... Views: 1520
The Law of Attraction is becoming more and more well known - and for good reason. Of course the idea that we can attract into our lives the things that we want is very alluring. And yet many people are also discovering that sometimes things don't seem to happen the way they had hoped or ... Views: 1332