To Know The Truth

To think that most of our lives we plan and ponder what we want, what we need, what we have and what we hope for; yet the unequivocal truth is that life emerges exactly as it must, above and beyond our ability to foresee. Recognizing what we need versus what we want is integral to knowing our own truth. Though we may need food in order to survive, we may want ice-cream so we may feel uplifted. The truth is that we may be hungry, and that what we ‘want’ is really a desire. We know that desires contain truth in feeling; however, it is also true that ice-cream is not the only way to achieve satiation, making desires subject to certain contingencies.

Although it is true that premonitions occur, even these glimpses are subject to conditions and/or circumstances that we cannot be completely aware of. What this means is that truth may reveal or change over time.

We feel we know what’s best for ourselves and so we go about such plotting with anticipated goal structures, ambitions and inspiring dreams to lead the way. These are the everyday things that occupy our minds. The rooting of our internal intentions are what imbues these thoughts with their forward momentum toward some truth of manifestation. What we do know is that good thoughts and intentions move energy systems in the universe more precisely and more quickly. These good vibrations are what make the truth of life come alive. The most illustrative contrast of this truth is between that of life and death which portrays an embodiment of pure energy at its opposite extremes.

Let’s face it. Telling Truth is more than what we say! Telling Truth is also more than what we do! Telling Truth is what we say, what we do, how aligned we are within our heart along with our personal conviction of ‘why’. In fact, it is not always that plain to see, though the why can be felt. It is my opinion that this is helpful to know in order to discern truth at all times. There is always more truth found within truth because it grows from peace and knowing.

Of course there are different levels of truth. There are partial truths that may result in constructive or destructive outcomes depending upon context. For example, clearly a constructive partial truth is one of positive focus. If we focus on the beneficial aspects of a situation, it captures a positive reflection, whereas if we focus on the destructive aspect, it can change one’s feelings about the same given situation. Nevertheless, in either case, partial truths are perspectives or discernments that do not embrace total truth. This is exemplified when any legal case is heard before the judge. Both sides have their truths that are partial to the whole truth.

If we know that truth is of God, from God’s will, then upon reflection one might wonder why we allow for so much conflict, contempt and confusion in the world? Shouldn’t the purity of this higher -level truth have the potential to cure these ills? Essentially this is a matter of reframing ‘truth’ to take a verb form of action so that it may become more empowered than a stated noun.

There’s plenty of metaphysical literature describing Truth as beyond the ego’s mind. Truth has the ability to stand on its own while the ego needs illusionary thought systems to feed on. The ego loves to live by ongoing comparison which explains why it is never satisfied with anything it has or has achieved because it does not place right value in this given moment.

The ego cannot stand on its’ own. It thinks into the future and retreats back into the past. It never feels spirit, the truth of the now. It discounts, doubts, denounces and detests. It tells falsehoods to cover up difficult truth. It tells lies to manage experience, though the truth is that experience actually manages those lies.

Truth is not what you or I believe. It is a full commitment right here, right now. One might even say that it's beyond true explanation.

Author's Bio: 

Moreen (MSW, CC) integrates a holistic Mind, Body, Spirit philosophy in all her endeavors. She has enjoyed working in clinical and non -clinical settings with individuals of all age. She is a Life Purpose Coach, Heart Centered Hypnotherapist, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), EMDR Level II as well as a Masters’ level Reiki Practitioner. She has training in Family Systems Theory and Parenting Education, as she herself is a parent to 2 grown daughters.

Moreen is currently dedicating her time to writing metaphysical and self-help literature. Her chapter, Self Trust, Self Care, Self Signature is featured in The Confident Woman (2013 Professional Woman Publishing). Other work to be published during 2014 includes her chapter entitled “Rebalance Your Reality” in The Female Leader, “Inner Wisdom” in Baby Boomers: Secrets for Life after 50 (Professional Woman Publishing). She is publishing her own book (anthology format,) Divine Dimensions: Expressions In Daily Life, and also co-author of Your Heart’s Magical Journey.

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