When you’re working to get your confidence back and build boundaries after divorce, there is one “hiding in plain sight” barrier that will keep you from reaching your goals.
And that’s surrounding yourself with toxic people.
You know *exactly* who they are...
The pushy one with unsolicited advice that makes you doubt your decisions
The catty female with snide comments and back-handed compliments
The one who blames you and makes herself the victim when you call her out on her shit.
Sound like anyone you know?
Is this a sister? Your mother? Your adult daughter? That “friend” who says she’s “only trying to help you?”
Literally every woman deals with these jerks on the daily. And his/her comments are so hurtful because they know which button of yours to push. They’ve known you for a long time, and know your sore spots, triggers, and vulnerabilities.
That’s why one of their comments can leave you devastated for days.
The secret about toxic people in your life...
100% of that criticism has nothing to do with you. She is projecting her own insecurities onto you she’s not taking responsibility for her own shit.
Remember the time your sister said, “that dress looks a little snug on you, don’t you think?” although she knew you were counting calories and going to yoga three times a week?
She’s guaranteed stepped on the scale that morning and was 12 pounds heavier after that cruise.
Remember that time you got that promotion at work and instead of congratulating you, your mother said, “Oh, so I guess that means you’ll be spending even less time with your kids.”
Like, what on earth?!
She guaranteed is feeling resentful that she stepped down from her job to stay full-time with her children and didn’t go back into the workplace.
So, what do you want to do about her?
Continue to let them walk all over you, saying “that’s just her.” This option is risky as shit, because you put yourself at risk of continued frustration and hurt feelings.
Stand up for yourself. This doesn’t have to look like a huge fight. But it takes courage.
“Hey, it really hurts my feelings when you do/say (insert harmful action here). I would ask that you keep those comments to yourself.
“Hey, I notice that you’re always commenting or giving me unsolicited advice on my divorce/looks/weight/recovery/insert whatever they’re always commenting on. I would ask that you don’t do that anymore, at least until I specifically ask for your advice.”
So, a quick heads-up when you stand up for yourself. If the person has any amount of emotional intelligence, they may take a step back and say, “Oh, wow...Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” or something along the lines of that.
Or...they may get defensive and turn it on you. They may say, “I’m only trying to help you. If you don’t want my honest opinion, then fine.” And then they might stomp away or hang up the phone or stonewall you or some other immature childish thing.
If that reaction occurs, that is a HUGE RED FLAG that maybe this relationship is unhealthy. This ain’t the end of the world--it’s just an opportunity to set up healthy boundaries.
Oh, and I get you may not just be able to walk away from that person so easily. She might be a relative or close friend.
But remember--being related to someone DOES NOT give them carte blanche to treat you like badly.
It takes a herculean effort to be confident enough to speak up and stand your ground when they push back. But until then, remember:
Be aware that some of the most toxic people may be the ones closest to you
Their unkind words have nothing to do with you, but everything to do with their own insecurities
You have the power to speak up for yourself
Family members and close friends *do not* get to throw shade just because they’re in your life.
So, how about you? Do you have close friends and family who put you down? And what two steps will you take the next time it happens?
Author Bio:
Martha Bodyfelt is a divorce and confidence coach whose website "Surviving Your Split" shows readers the secrets to navigating and recovering from divorce so they can move on faster and with more confidence. To receive your Free Divorce Goddess Recovery Kit, stop by http://survivingyoursplit.com right now or drop Martha a line at martha@survivingyoursplit.com.
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