You will become Older but do not become Old…

Picture yourself in twenty-five years right now…do you see OLD or OLDER? A revealing question don’t you think?

One we often deny…

Because OLD speaks of a loss of freedom, lack of dignity, disease, no sex, no fun, no making a difference.

Older speaks of wisdom, grace, balance, refinement and contribution.

Nature actually says please choose…

I trust the answer is pretty obvious for most of us. I also declare there is a relatively easy solution to avoid OLD as well.

Relatively easy…

What I mean is if you do some simple things consistently you are assured of your rite of passage to retain youthful well being until your genetic time clock runs out. Wasting away in a retirement home for eleven years is not a rite of passage.

You have the right to remain brilliant, retain your prowess, stay sexually active (without ED pills) and enjoy a hearty, sharp and flexible journey for as long as your heart continues to beat. To do this, you must simply and routinely address five simple things. I promise you a wonderful life or you will be unconditionally refunded 100% of all the unhealth and unhappiness you believe you are entitled to.
We do not quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Benjamin Franklin

Requisite one:

Understand basic Human Physiology:

You are what you eat, please eat well!

First of all, these bodies of ours are warm blooded, calorie burning, hormone craving machines that require some basic things to efficiently last a very, very long time.

The first thing is the right food for your blood type. Research this, it is inarguable. People who never have degenerative disease who move to a different area often develop cardiovascular disease and cancer as a result of allergic inflammation from foods their bodies are not designed to eat. Your genes never forget! Never, never never!

Second, flood, flood, flood your body with quality nutrients and bio-available supplements. AntiAging Research Laboratories (AARL) has have done extensive research on the natural and logical phenomemon called Ham’s Medium. The bottom line is, a human cell will divide eight-six times and then apoptosis occurs (cell death). This is called the Hayflick Limit. If you give a cell the precise nutrients it needs, the cell will not divide as rapidly. Hams Medium in vitro clearly and scientifically extends Quality of Life Span©. So know there is absolute proof that an exact nutrient match can defer OLD up to twenty percent longer!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate…

Do not forget to hydrate with clean fresh water! Drink at least ½ oz of water for every pound you weigh. Since you are 70% water, the type of water you drink makes all of the difference in the world too. I use alkaline water via an electrolysis ionization process in my home.

My family uses a system that my partner and friend, Dr. Lawrence designed the algorithm chip for some of our Japanese friends who make the Ion Fountain.
After I hard installed the system, I tested the pH around 10.4; that is very intense considering water is usually just south of 7. Based on the high base pH you will also have a high supply of donor electrons to bathe and heal every single cell you have.

I anticipated observing the potential anti-oxidant properties of the alkaline water. I chopped up some apple pieces. Then I put them in two glasses and filled one with the alkaline water and the other with reverse osmosis water. After eight hours alkaline water had sufficient anti-oxidant properties to it to keep the apples white and the water clear. The other water and apples turned a rotten brown color. Clearly just drinking the water has demonstrable anti-aging / anti-cancer properties to significantly prevent free radical damage and putrefaction. I think that is a pretty nice option for all 70% of you that is pure water. For me and my family, it’s the very best when it comes to health. If alkaline water for any reason is not for you, please just make sure you just hydrate well. It’s a life saver.

Requisite two:

You are either fertile or fertilizer!

Hormones: Hormonally, you are either fertile or fertilizer and nature could care less if you choose fertility or not.

It makes no difference whether you are a man or woman. Here are two facts: Hormones keep you young and Nature is neither cruel, nor kind, merely indifferent. As long as nature believes you are fertile (blood levels), she will keep you virile and strong. Nature will maintain your immune system and keep your bones strong and your veins clean and flexible. Nature will keep your cells plump and your skin elastic and your hair shiny; on and on.

As soon as you fall below the Death Zone she will do everything to put you into the ground so you fertilize the next generation’s fruits and vegetables and it’s nothing personal.

There is the master hormone, HGH, Human Growth Hormone, Growth Hormone. Call it what you want but you need it. A twenty year old makes ten times the amount a sixty year old does, and that decline is deadly and debilitating. A little extra HGH will perhaps fool Nature just enough to believe you are more fertile that you actually are.

We invented a process to get this large molecule to each and every cell in your body without injections in 1996. We do it with genuine, recombinant, bio identical HGH. It is the exact same human growth hormone you are producing right now, right down to the last proton.

Of course, we also emulate nature with our growth hormone, low dose, high frequency. Nature gives you tiny amounts, often and so do we. Simply take what we invented twice a day for life and Nature cannot tell the difference. However, with increased well being and Quality of Life Span©, you can.

It has been over ten proven years, and those of us that have used our HGH since the day invented it clearly look and feel different from the simple, daily usage; because we are fertile.

This is perhaps the least expensive insurance policy you can obtain. Most people spend their health making money. Then later in life, they take too much of their money trying to make their health. That is so odd to me. Don’t be one of them. Be fertile, not fertilizer and at AARL we can help you do this.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Bohen founded the oral HGH industry in the nineties along with Dr. Robert Lawrence and Dr. Roy Dittman. There were no people selling pills, capsules, fizzies, homepathics or other things that do not work. There was just an amazing process that allowed bio-identical recombinant HGH to work for you.

Robert lives in Southern California along with his beautiful wife Lori and their amazing sons. Christopher, Nicholas and Jason.

You can learn more about Robert Bohen here:

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Robert Bohen, the Official Guide to HGH