The eternal principles of God are God’s gifts to man for a peaceful and prosperous life. Theories are from the head but life is from the heart
A heart of comprehension result only in accumulation of knowledge hence Wisdom; whereas a heart of comprehension passes the accumulation stage to the application of knowledge: “The Covenant Prosperity
God’s reason for prospering His people is to establish His Covenant on the earth and giving to those in need: That’s His purpose for prosperity!
Walking in ignorance is a choice. But we must walk in full knowledge to gain victory always.

"A man is not valuated by what he can offer to the society but what he can do for the society" -Dr Juliette J Nibbs

Holding the vision of ourselves as healed, genius, love in action, excitement, eagerness, joy and awakened for the highest good.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to lead the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unimagined in common hours.” – Henry David Thoreau

Shower the planet with love, feel the uncorrupted exuberance of youth, notice the miraculous and align with the destiny of our great species through our new bringers of knowledge.
Most people define success as either a forthcoming condition at some future point in time. The reality is that point or condition is never reached
I define success as the ongoing expansion and realization of our happiness by attainment of any states which I am content. In other words, when we are happy and content with our current state of being, that is success
Success is not a destination, it is a journey, and its definition is highly individualized
Success is a way of thinking, a consciousness and achieving it is a subjective perception

“We can let circumstances rule us or we can take charge and rule our lives from within”. – Earl Nightingale

Any habitual pattern of thinking is called a belief. Your basic beliefs about yourself, the people around you, and the world are the source of your perceived limits and problems as well as your source of joy and fulfillment.
Most of your core beliefs were formed when you were a child, so who you believe you are is who you are. So you are naturally resourceful. We out to realize and appreciate our spiritual nature
Spirituality is also not an ethical system. Ethics is a particular set of values and a code for translating socially-defined morality into daily activity.
Spirituality is different from religion. Religion, a set of beliefs about the spiritual and a subsequent set of practices or disciplines, and spirituality is inclusive; it is the deepest sense of unity, belonging, participation, and universality.
Religions simply provide a gateway to the spiritual life.
Probably the most important aspect in defining spirituality is the acknowledgement of spirit as an essential component of human nature.
However we must learn how to identify, understand, and be clear about our own values, differentiate values that work for us from those that not
And without a vision of a desired future, we allow circumstances to create it for us instead of creating it for ourselves; focusing and holding on to our dreams and desires keeps us on track to manifest them in our lives. In order to get where we want to be, we needs clear goals,
Goals are different from visions hopes, wishes and dreams. Our attitude is the position we adopt determines whether we are successful in creating a lifestyle we enjoy and genuine commitment is the necessary ingredient for accomplishing anything in life
An imbalance life is the context for physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual difficulties whereas maintaining a balanced life is an ongoing dynamic.
Living in the present is important, in the present moment, everything can be perfect. Being fully-present in the moment is a key to successful living. Neither the past nor the future actually exists. Living in the present moment is all we ever do and is all we ever experience

“The best thing about the future is that it comes only a day at a time.” – Abraham Lincoln

So you can chose to leave a personal legacy that makes a positive difference, you can consciously choose the imprint you leave in the world.
While living today, shaping your life influences you can leave after you. Hold a vision of life

“Men make history and not the other way round. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” – Harry S. Truman

Author's Bio: 

I am visualizing this initiative aiming at retouching my approach to modern society with zeal, wit and wisdom.

I evaluate and research meaning and understanding the core values into a world of quest where I myself thinking aloud and reflecting, portraying and illustrating an acceptable and just life in a way that is proven that all is possible when sought for.

A once champion of words and expressions, with wisdom humor and clarity I opens up to what lifts me up and what pulls me down as evidence in this peculiar Book of modern ‘’Wits and Wisdom’’ anthology

I am a graduated Doctor in research degree in Human Services with specialization in Social Policy planning and strategy, health nutrition.

"I am promoting creative thinking is a powerful way to engage in learning and be. The one who is encouraged to think creatively shows increased levels of motivation and self-esteem. Creativity prepares them with the flexible skills they need to face an uncertain future. Employers want people who are adaptable, innovative, can solve problems and communicate well and express themselves with others. Develop the ability to be creative can enrich their lives and help them contribute to a better"

I am a published author a philanthropist and short story writer. Programming is a major part of my life, and so I spend most of the day Reading and searching.. At my free time, I like solely walks, and listening to Music. I am basically a simple, adjusting and fun loving person, whom others consider as sincere and friendly too. But they also consider me as modest; I would describe myself as a very ambitious, hardworking and sincere girl. I am enthusiastic about taking up new challenges in life. Friendly and joyful is what my friends would describe me as

The Alliance and Trust Foundation: "Creative minds for a creative future"