Ideas and dreams flow through us naturally, we don't have to do a thing to get great business or personal life ideas. Well, ok, we do have to do something, we have to listen, we have to be aware of our senses and gut feelings.

How many times have you stared out to achieve your dream, or follow a creative idea for business only to find your self stuck in a rut you can't seem to see your way out of? How much time have you wasted on projects that seemed so viable, so easy to achieve only to feel as though the rug was pulled out from under your feet? How many times have you just given up, out of frustration, or lack of energy to put into the project?

Join the club, I think we have all done it, I think we need to in order to learn a few things about ourselves. Not everything is always a failure if it doesn't work out the way you wanted it to. Perhaps you learned a very valuable lesson about what you were made of, and you can go back at the project with a new set of eyes or attitudes.

I have found my greatest success come from continually asking myself questions. All to often when I look at a dream I want to achieve I ask myself how. How can I achieve this? How will this work out? How will it look when I get there? I have learned that looking at the how of things is the quickest way to get stuck, frustrated and exhausted. I began asking myself other questions, ones that get to the meat and creativity of what I am doing. Why? When one asks themselves why they are doing a certain thing, it opens up a world of inspiration and creativity to flow in. Sure one simply question is not going to make the dream magically appear in front of you, there will be work to do, no doubt. What it does is allows us to work from a place of inspiration, keeps us focused, keeps the work light and fun.

As long as we are working from that centered place within us, the universe is working along with us. Doors of opportunity seem to open for us, ideas flow freely, things seem to land in our lap. Our energy level stay high. That is the way life is meant to be lived.

Looking at how tells the universe, I don't need your help here, I don't trust that you can do it without me, my mind is closed to other possibilities of how this can work. You will forever have your head down thinking about how you can do it, you won't even notice the doors that open on your behalf. Without the inspiration to keep the wind in your sails, you are destined to get stuck in a rut. It doesn't mean your dream won't come true, or that your business venture won't work. It means you will work much harder, much longer than you will need to.

When I find myself looking at the "how" I know it is a good time to repeat a mantra that will help get my mind centered with my dream. "Let God and Let Go" is one that works really well for me. Just repeat it three times and feel the difference it can make. This mantra also helps to build faith that the universe and creator are creating through you, that which you are wanting. You may have days when you need to repeat it all day, I know I do, and that's ok.

Keep the dream alive in you while you do the work. Keep reminding yourself why you are doing this. Keep questioning why you want this. Keep knowing the dream will come through you.

Author's Bio: 

Jenn is an Angel Therapy Practitioner, A Reiki Practitioner, A Crystal Release Healer, and a Radio Personality. She combines all her skills and knowledge to assist her clients to live their dreams. This may include a healing, some coaching, a message from spirit, or a combination of all.

She runs a private practice in Chatham Ontario, where she is available to assist you either in person, by phone, or by email. Her focus is to help you live a happy, harmonious life.

She can be reached at