Weight gain in winter is a common problem for many individuals. It looks like that in every winter, you add a few pounds, and during summer, you don't lose them at all, sometime you only lose a couple of pounds. A few of them always stick around, making you a bit heavier each year. They appear to be quite tough to lose additional pounds. Why does this come about and what can do about it?

There are various causing factors. First, it seems likely that you possess a genetic nature to store more fats as the winter in near. Majority of creatures do this, and it was apparently crucial to survival for our ancestors. Additional layers of fat on the body safeguard us against the cold and then can be used as fuel in the late winter and early spring when the supply of food would normally be very low. We perhaps have a bias to consume more in the fall, when food is abundant after harvest time, to help this system along. We may also instinctively prefer foods that are higher in fat content during this period.

Hormone levels can also impact a person in weight gain. The reaction of hormones and other elements in the brain can put forward alterations in hunger and desires. A few neurotransmitters can also impact the way we consume. Persons that are obese often have low levels of these neurotransmitters and the consequences can include extravagant appetite, sadness and sleep disorders. At the same time, the absence of daylight because of short days during the late fall, and winter can bring on seasonally affected upset or winter depression. One of the smartest methods to give a thrust to the energy levels and sentiments is to consume high-carbohydrate foods, involving sugar treats, flakes and cereals that deliver you a fast blood sugar fix. So individuals who feel low in the winter will incline to guzzle or consume the inappropriate foods, leading to weight gain, more gloominess and a vicious cycle that is rigid to halt.

So in general there are lots of reasons why we consume more high-carbohydrate nourishment's such as cookies, pastries and chocolate in the winter, and of course, the majority of these nutrition's also hold high levels of fats. The optimum way to cope with this is usually to replace other foods that are also high in carbohydrate so that we get what our body needs but, which also have low fat content and abundant in fiber. This means you have to include potatoes, whole-grain bread without butter, whole-grain rice, cereals, and fresh whole fruit in your diet.

It is also prominent to do some exercise. Generally, our physical activity levels drop down during winter, and we have a tendency to remain home and rest. This is normal whenever it is cold outside. However, we are not primitive men. We have heaters in our residences and can be sure that there will still be abundant of food in the storerooms. We don't have to stash fat the way that they did before. Join your local gym or get a bicycle for the workout. Convert those carbs into activity now instead of keeping it on the waistline until the spring arrives. Winter weight gain is absolutely preventable by sticking to an exercise schedule and by checking what you eat.

Author's Bio: 

Noel is a freelancer and a blogger who writes on fitness tips and also advice on how to reduce weight.