The year 2010 was an inspirational one indeed; everything that I purposely wished for and visualized for my family, and myself all came to fruition. I carefully visualized creativity, and contentment as my goals, without being attached to the outcome or details of my manifestations. I didn’t particularly care how this should come about. I didn’t really know what I wanted in my future, all I really needed was to be happy again and the rest would follow. I decided to trust that Spirit would guide me and provide opportunities, which were for our greater good and not for self-entitlement. I stopped expecting I receive more respect from my community; I stopped feeling hopeless about financial freedom; I really wanted better health for my husband and true happiness for my daughters.

I had to close down my vintage clothing business and I needed to find a job. I wanted it to be inspiring, fun and creative, this is what would truly feed my soul. I asked for an opportunity to be creative with my painting skills. I still enjoy painting murals, so I told the Universe it would be nice if I could get the occasional mural commission in order to fulfill this desire. I had also taken a workshop outlining how to use my transferrable skills in organizing and planning; I was guided toward becoming an event planner. Therefore an impressive event to plan would gain me credibility for my new event-planning venture. During this same time period, Spirit guided me to start a healing circle in my home, telling me that the experience would help me learn and grow in my abilities. These opportunities would allow me the freedom I crave in my day-to-day life and still be able to work and create.

In mid January I started a healers mentoring group in my home in Campbellford and it was a smash hit, I would have as many as 22 people come out each week to hear the speakers I had arranged to present themselves. The seekers, who came from 4 Counties within a 50-mile radius, filled my living room. They came to be inspired and healed within the love and support of the group. I was then guided to start a second group in Peterborough to reduce some of the travel time for many of the group participants and gain access to additional seekers. These two groups led me to the planning of a couple of events around healers, Summer Solstice Peace Pole dedication and The Art of Authentic Living Show. Throughout the next few months several members from the group stepped forward to help me heal by assisting me in clearing many of my past traumatic issues, emotional pain and gain confidence in my healing abilities.

In early spring I received two offers for part time employment, one came as an opportunity to be the Director of the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival, one of the largest and one most prestigious events in all Ontario. The other offer was to paint a memorial mural in the Norwood Library. Each would start around the same time, and since both contracts were part time I was able to fit them into my schedule. What an opportunity, each of these offers would give me the influence and notoriety I needed to make me a household name in several communities. This would allow me to promote my businesses of planning events, writing, teaching and healing. I thanked Spirit for these contracts; they were exactly what I was looking for, fun, creativity and freedom to enjoy life’s pleasures. I wouldn’t discover until a few weeks later how connected these two contracts were to each other. The memorial mural depicted the Norwood pond and waterfall as well as a soaring golden eagle with the quote “ To soar on eagles wings is to ride the winds of freedom”. I had to drive through the Norwood area each day on my way to Buckhorn, and after completing the mural I started to have amazing experiences. Almost every day a golden eagle would follow me, or fly beside and/or in front of me. Each and every time the eagle came to me, I asked, “What is your message from Spirit”? I felt that the eagle was trying to tell me to use my wings and to find the courage to fly and find the freedom of flight. When my festival was completed Spirit guided me to resign my position as Director, Spirit told me that I had completed the tasks I was sent there to complete. I had learned many valuable lessons and I taught some very valuable lessons, my job there was done. I was told to continue on my true path of writing, teaching and healing. I had thought that being the Director for this fine art show was for my greater good and it was, but not the way I had anticipated. The art show was good public relations and it helped me regain my confidence after going out of business. The task I was to complete in Buckhorn, which was on sacred ground, was the planting of the Peace Pole. It had the inscription “May Peace Prevail Upon the Earth” in four local languages. The pole links all the surrounding area to the world energy grid system of tens of 1000’s of peace poles around the world. It acts like a signal tower of positive energy, love and peace for the entire area. My short time in that community was not only for my greater good, but also the greater good of a larger area.

My husband, who was very ill with high blood pressure and loosing his eyesight, caused him depression, compiled on top of his hoarding issues. He lacked the energy and will power to want to move forward in life, he had almost given up that anything would ever get better. My husband began receiving Reiki treatments for his high blood pressure, from one of my group members; these treatments also cleared his mind. He started purging his many, many accumulated treasures, junk. (I had almost reached the point of hopelessness that he would ever clear out his stuff). With his cleared mind he was able to again plan for our future renovations, which would enable us to move forward with our desire to sell and move. I was also introduced to a homeopath substance to try on my husband’s eyes, which was made by another of my healing group members. After one month, according to the eye specialist there was marked improvement in his condition.

That winter we found ourselves struggling with finances and found that we needed to reduce our monthly payments if we were ever going to move forward with our plans to finish our renovations on the house, sell it and move. We were beginning to panic that we would loose our home; we were having difficulty making our monthly payments. Our mortgage became due and I was afraid that since we didn’t have much income, we might have trouble renewing our mortgage. The loans manager we had been dealing with for many years had been promoted so we were assigned a new manager for our mortgage. As it turned out the new manager was a very spiritual person and had heard about my healers group. She understood our situation and could see the larger picture. The loans manager aided us in reducing our interest payments and increased our line of credit allowing us to finish the renovations so that we could move on with our lives. These changes in health and finances helped my husband move forward and regain his zest for life. My 3 daughters were floundering in their lives looking for that perfect mate, for that rewarding career and for returning to the safety of their home community, I wished for their happiness in all aspects of their lives. Within 6 months all were on their way to contentment and joy in each of these areas.

Each of my manifestations was for the greater good of my family and myself, I asked the Universe for aid, explained what our needs were and then had faith. I trusted that the Universe was listening and would provide the things we needed to survive. It had always provided us with our wants and needs in the past, even when we weren’t sure what they should be. I stopped trying to steer the path and let Spirit take over the wheel. I have concluded (for myself) that within the Law of Attraction the request must be for my greater good to be effective. When I am manifesting from an empowered heart of trust and acceptance I am given the opportunities that I require to grow and prosper.

Author's Bio: 

Gayle Crosmaz-Brown a Shamaness Healer/Teacher of Higher Consciousness: has been working helping others to heal the emotional, spiritual and physical for over 30 years. Through energy work, hypnosis, drum meditation and counseling Gayle empowers her clients to self-heal.