If we come to think about the tasks performed by our parents and grandparents in the past then it was a huge amount of work compared to our present lifestyle. It can be easily recognized that technology has to a great extent reduced the amount of time required to complete the same tasks.
A lot of studies conducted on obesity have revealed that it is a great threat to the longevity of one’s life and in maintaining good health. But a lot of people are not even aware that they are physically obese. If you consider the generally accepted definition for fatness then it is 25% of body fat for men, and 32% of body fat for women.
You have the capability to prevent any form of unhealthy weight gain and any other related health problems if you fall under the category of normal or overweight, obese or at risk of becoming one. Treatment of obesity is very important so as to get yourself back to normal shape and size. You won’t be surprised to know that the things that you need to do to stop gaining weight are the same things which you need to reduce the weight.
Diet is the primary cause of being overweight, so one’s diet should include healthy foods that are rich in nutrients that are required by the body in huge amounts. You should consume lean meat in smaller quantities along with fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. Consumption of sugar should be as minimal as possible. Treatment obesity at the right time would help in avoiding weight gain.
During our childhood days if we have an intake of excessive amount of nutrients then it may also lead to obesity. During the early stages of our life the rate of formation of new fat cells is the fastest so over nutrition would lead to greater formation which may give rise to fats. After the adolescence period the number of fat cells does not grow any further. So it is better if we avoid getting fat or if we already are then treatment of obesity at the right time is the best way out.
There are some ways in which you can control your weight like-
1. According to some studies there is a connection between sleeping and gaining weight. If you get less than eight hours of sleep then your body would start storing more amount of ghrelin. Ghrelin is responsible for the hunger pangs which we get at irregular periods. It also lowers the capacity of Leptin which is responsible for telling us that our body is full.
2. A lot of parents when they have to divert the attention of their kids to other things they resort to food. But this proves to be counter-productive and it’s better to divert the attention of your child in other ways.
3. Clean your kitchen by removing all those food products that are responsible for increasing the fat and the body mass index of your body. Use food products like whole grain flour, whole sugar products like raw sugar, stevia, or honey and food with less or no additives or preservatives.
So consume the right diet and get yourself regularly checked and get treatment obesity at the right time.
At Max Healthcare, we offer the best treatment of obesity and diabetes. With a pool of dedicated doctors and support staff, Max Healthcare ensures the best for its patients. Log on to our web site for more information.
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