A human body is made up of various types of muscles and bones that help us to perform various kinds of activities. Though, bones form the foundation of our structure, they are equally important because we cannot imagine of making a single move without them. There are around 640 skeletal in a human body that helps us walk, talk, run, stand, sit and many other small and large activities. They are in a human body is bilateral which means that every muscle is a pair of two muscles on either side of the human body that does the same kind of work.

Biceps brachii are muscles around the biceps and they are important for rotating the forearm and to flex the elbow. These muscles are in fact a bundle of muscles that share a common insertion point near the elbow joint. Just a little deeper of biceps brachii lies brachialis muscle that helps in flexing the elbow. It does work independently but it actually supports biceps brachii to flex the elbow joint. The brachialis muscle is the strongest flexor muscle of the elbow and therefore is very important muscle on our hand.

If we move down to the forearm than we should talk about pronator teres muscles that is on the forearm and helps us to rotate the forearm in such a way that palm faces posteriorly. Just near pronator teres lies brachioradialis that helps to flex the forearm at the elbow. The muscle has the capability of supination and pronation.

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More reading: Muscles in the Human Body

Related Reading: healthy muscle and Muscular Endurance