Women are not the only ones who are concerned about the way they look. Most men today are starting to recognize their skin’s needs and how important it is to follow their own skincare regimen. Men and women differ in skin type but the basic needs of each one’s skin remains the same. If you are a male, you have to learn what these basic needs are so that from them, you can establish a beauty routine that’s suitable for you.

Unlike women, men can tolerate intense heat that’s why jobs that require staying under the heat of the sun are often given to men. Nevertheless, you have to realize that UV rays can penetrate any type of skin and produce damage. Your best weapon therefore is a high quality sunscreen. Before leaving for field work, make sure you apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or more thirty minutes prior. Now, most guys have oily skin type so make sure you find yourself an oil-free sunblock.

Aside from the sun, another thing that can leave men’s skin dry and flaky is shaving. Every time you shave, you are actually stripping off your skin of its moisture and oil. This is the reason why men are more likely to produce fine lines and wrinkles in the face than women are before they reach forty. To maintain your skin’s moisture when shaving, finish off with a moisturizer. Just make sure it’s not alcohol-based or it will dry your skin still.

When it comes to shaving, you will find a lot of men doing the routine the wrong way like using soap as a shaving cream and using a cheap disposable razor. There’s nothing wrong in wanting to save money but investing in a good quality razor and shaving cream will surely make a big difference for your skin. Aside from leaving your skin smooth and soft, it will also lower your risk for getting yourself cut and your skin irritated.

It’s not only in shaving that some men use ordinary soap but also in cleansing their face. The thing about ordinary soap is that it can contain ingredients that can be harsh for the skin. Oftentimes, it can lead to dryness and irritation. The skin in the face is very sensitive so you would need a gentler product that’s suitable for such skin type. Get a cleansing gel instead of soap. Cleansing gels are effective in removing dirt from pores without having to leave the skin dry at the end.

As a last and final advice, treat your face once in a while to a facial spa. Facials are not only for women but also for men. If you’re having treatment in a good facial spa, you’ll even learn a lot from your aesthetician when it comes to proper skin care. But most importantly, it’s one of the times in your life where you can just have a beauty rest.

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