Massage therapy has been in use for a long time. Chinese documents dating back more than 3000 years denote its use. In recent years, massage therapy has grown in relevance, popularity and significance as a viable alternative to more traditional treatments. Adding to the legitimacy of massage as an alternative treatment option, many states now regulate the industry by requiring massage therapists be fully trained and licensed. Massage therapy techniques target the muscles and soft tissue of the human body to help promote natural healing. Since its first documented use, massage therapy techniques have evolved to offers more that 250 different techniques or modalities.

Licensed massage therapists (LMTs) are providing treatment in all sorts of settings; from offices and airports to spas and luxury hotels. Many businesses have even contracted LMTs to come into their workplace and provide massages to their employees. Portable massage tables and chairs have enabled the industry to provide their services in almost any location. Jeffry Riach, Co-Owner and CEO of Oakworks Inc, the leading manufacturer of portable massage tables and chairs for over 30 years noted that “Oakworks continues to see an increasing demand for professional massage tables and chairs.” Mr. Riach went on to say that what’s even more exciting is the demand we’re seeing for our professional massage table products for use in home spas. You can view the entire line of Oakworks Professional Massage tables and Massage Chairs by visiting

If you’re considering getting a massage, you’ll want to take a few things into consideration. One of the most important aspects you’ll want to pay close attention to is the qualifications of the massage therapist who will be performing your massage. You can find out if your state requires a license by visiting the Massage Register website at and clicking on the “Certification and Licensing” link under the General information heading. If your does require massage therapists be licensed, don’t be afraid to ask if the person giving the treatment is licensed and ask to see the license.

You’ll also want to know the type of modality the massage therapist uses. You can find out more about massage therapy and different massage modalities by visiting the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals website at With more that 250 modalities in use today, it can be a bit daunting to understand all of them, but the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals website does a great job of breaking them down into simple to understand terms. The LMT you choose will also be able to explain the modality(s) they use and also help you understand what the benefits of their chosen modality or modalities are.

And finally, ask about any equipment they will be using including massage tables or massage chairs, oils or lotions. Let your LMT know if you have any allergies as this may affect the use of some oils or lotions. Also, massage table drapes and face rest covers and may be of concern. Tell your LMT if you have any allergies to perfumes, dyes or synthetic materials.

Millions of people around the world have discovered the exceptional benefits of massage therapy as an alternative to traditional medicines. Massage therapy provides numerous health benefits. Highest among those benefits are pain relief and stress relief. As our lives continue to move at a faster pace, we’re continually searching for ways to get healthy, relax and unwind. For many, massage therapy is the key to maintaining their health and wellbeing.

Author's Bio: 

Oakworks, Inc, is the largest US manufacturer of massage tables, massage chairs and massage table accessories with global distribution in the spa, massage, physical therapy/athletic training, and medical diagnostic markets. Since its inception in 1977, the Company has been owned and operated continuously by its founders, Linda and Jeff Riach. Oakworks Inc. is located in New Freedom Pennsylvania and currently employs more than 150 men and women. You can visit Oakworks on-line at to find out why we say ‘Bodies Talk, We Listen’

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Oakworks Inc., The Official Guide to Massage and Massage Therapy