My motto: Keep it Simple.

When I go into any bookstore or online I see all the varied information and ideas about Spirituality. I’ve attended workshops and seminars that presented similar messages in different ways and styles. How did I know what to believe? It really was very simple.

Each one of us is unique, hearing and observing from our own point of view. There is no right or wrong way. We have the opportunity to discern for ourselves what feels true and good in our hearts.

After reading and listening to the views of many, I have learned what is true for me. If the message does not bring me the feeling of Love, I set it aside.
What does Love feel like?

I know it is Love when my body is relaxed, my mind is peaceful and a smile comes easily. My thoughts, words and actions are filled with clarity, encouragement and truth. I feel good!

How do I know it is not Love? My thoughts will be filled with worry, fear, or judgment and my whole body will react with tension. My mind will get busy creating all kinds of imagined scenes and will go into overdrive. I have learned to pay attention to the signals my body sends.

When I listen to that Voice Within that guides me or brings a message to another, I know it is true and pure because it is filled with Love. It is as simple as that. Love is all there is, all we are, and all we need.

It is through this Voice of Love that I will work with you to show you just how simple it is to cre8miracles.

Author's Bio: 

Barbara Hinz shares her gift for bringing messages of Love at