Being a "mompreneur" is the new logo for moms all around of one key essential, Balance.

Having balance today means that a mom can have the option to choose a different path! We wear many different hats today by being a mom. Mom, taxi driver, cook, psychologist and oh yeah, major six figure executive.

I've been a "mompreneur" for over 13 yrs and I wouldn't change one thing.

Choosing to have my own business can sometimes be scary (uh, but isn't that how one grows and stretches?), it can sometimes be hard to maintain that balance (many business TeleConferences have been interrupted by a bleeding something or just the need for a hug), but I would not choose anything else!

Being a "mompreneur" also has many rewards too!

No time clock! I work when I want to, not when I have a boss pressuring me to get a report in. BTW this makes my work the best quality I have ever produced, because it comes from True Passion vs Obligation!

My children (six in total) have never seen the inside of the daycare system! This is something that has no price tags, my time is my most valuable commodity and I will not settle for someone else watching my kids take their first steps.

When I do have to go away for work, yes I get booked quite a bit to speak, run seminars and do Business Coaching, it's like a mini-vacation. It's more Fun than work and it's always a pleasure knowing I'm getting paid for this too! When I return home, refreshed and ready with more ideas, my family gets the best of mom.

I always shake my head when so many moms come to me frusterated, burnt out and definitely not in Balance.

Here are some of my best tips to help you restore that Balance in your home/business and hopefully bring back some of that passion that made you start your own business to begin with!

1) Take care of YOU! Set aside a few minutes every day to drink your tea, write out some things that make you happy and just 'take in the moment'. This will literally take about 10-15 mins, but you need to take this time for YOU!
2) Make sure you have a great day planner/calendar for your whole household. This way your family can see when your set 'working hours' are and you can plan when you are going to have your family time.
3) DreamBoards are essential! How do you know how far you have come, if you have no clue to where you are going?

These are just a few things that I make sure are done everyday to bring balance to my own life.

So don't hide your light under a bushel! Be proud to say, this is what I've chosen to make me a better "Mompreneur".

Author's Bio: 

Jody is a WAHM and has been leading other ladies in their chosen field of business for the past 15 yrs! She is a mom of six, an Accomplished ToastMaster, and has a passion for helping other women find their 'aha' moments!

Jody is owner of the new website where she blogs about day to day issues with other moms in raising children, having your own business and how to "Blend" it all!