Many people claim using the law of attraction can help reach goals. Does it always work? No, because there are other spiritual laws, some that supersede the law of attraction, you need to be aware of in order to have an advantage in life.

Law of Universal Order

Examples of this law include planetary motions, tides, and the change of seasons, and why comprehensive astrology and numerology can accurately interpret personal fate. You can use this tool to predict and prepare for future life events.

Law of Soul Over Personality

Your personality might want to be incredibly wealthy or famous, but your soul might have chosen a different path before you incarnated. Fortunately, the more you calm your mind (like through meditation, exercise, or art), and unblock your energy (through Spiritual Detox or other clearing methods), the easier it will be to perceive your best path. When you are on your highest path, the efforts of your personality will be more likely to match the plan of your soul.

Law of Subconscious Dominance

The subconscious mind stores everything that’s ever happened to you, in this life and previous lives, and it has a lot more power over you than it seems. Phobias are an example of this; someone who has a fear of flying can tell himself he is safe, be assured the pilot is experienced, and so on, but his body and mind will still react like a crash is inevitable as soon as he steps onto the plane. Another example is someone who has a fear of poverty; she might become a workaholic, and won’t be able to slow down even when it works against her and other parts of her life suffers. Fortunately, hypnosis and past life regression can be used successfully to find and release the root cause of these and most other fears. You can also use hypnosis or subliminal MP3s to give suggestions and direction to your subconscious mind to help achieve any goal.

Law of Reincarnation

According to Pew Research, 67% of Americans don’t believe they’ve lived past lives, but that doesn’t stop their soul from incarnating again and again. This type of amnesia isn’t a bad thing, since it helps everyone focus on what’s most important: the present. Still, you can use your past lives to your advantage by going back to a past life when you were very skilled at something, for example, and bring forward that talent, discipline, or drive.

Law of Intent

When your conscious intent is different from your subconscious desires or fears, you’ll encounter more conflict. You can minimize this by acknowledging your faults and working to improve them.

Law of Projection

You perceive the world as you are, not as it is. However, the more you understand yourself, your defenses and fears, and the more you try to see others and situations without bias, the better off you will be.
Law of Destiny or Fate

Your destiny and fate began before you were born, after your soul (not your personality) agreed to the specific lifetime that included the physical body, family, and related experiences. The karma of your soul, from many lifetimes, also contributes to your destiny and fate, or what you experience in this particular life.

Due to the unseen force of destiny and fate, you cannot manifest and maintain something major that isn’t at least somewhat conducive to it. But the more you are in tune with yourself and your highest path (through centering and unblocking), the less likely you’ll be to waste time taking the wrong exits on the freeway of fate.

Law of Karma

This one is quite simple; don’t do anything to others that you wouldn’t want done to you. All actions, words, and intent really do return to sender, and usually not in this life. This includes good karma too. However, not all “bad” experiences are due to negative actions in the distant past. Sometimes they’re just part of the path your soul chose for various reasons.

Law of Free Will

Fortunately, you have free will to react to fate and karmic situations. If you don’t like something in your life, you can use your free will to change it, within the confines of your destiny, or at least learn to accept it.

Law of Asking for Help

So much protection and guidance is available to you from the spiritual dimensions, including hints about your next step for any goal, but you must ask for it and then pay attention. We recommend asking guides of the Light, (your) God, your Higher Self, and any other energies of the Light you pray to. Do not mess with the dark side, or you’ll regret it forever be indebted to it.

We hope that by understanding how spiritual laws influence your life, you’ll use them to your advantage and experience more love, happiness, and success.

Copyright © Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Author's Bio: 

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo offer vital, 
yet sensible and practical
 spiritual guidance and tools, including their Spiritual Detox and Let Go MP3 meditation audios. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 13 Other Spiritual Laws Besides the Law of Attraction.