Excuse my language, but is your diary full of c--p?
Is it chock-full of appointments and commitments you'd rather not keep?
Are those appointments the results of you being available to do chores other people don't want to do?
Are they the results of you wanting to feel needed and useful?
Are you always delegated the humdrum, while others enjoy the HALLELUJAH!?
Are your appointments and commitments the fulfillment of the life you had planned when you became an adult?
Or are they the result of that life not showing up for you, possibly due to lack of planning or forethought?
Get your diary out now and investigate.
Are your weekends liberally sprinkled with appointments and events which excite and interest you? No?
Does your diary contain events and commitments which are mainly centred around the interests of other people?
Are you constantly available to people you wouldn't consciously choose to have in your life?
Are you possibly tagging along to someone else's life because you have nothing better to do?
Does your diary at best leave you uninspired, at worst fill you with dread?
Is your diary - shock! horror! - empty?
Do you - gasp! - not even HAVE a diary??
How much longer are you going to continue to live this life you've fallen into?
How much longer will you be available to people you don't like?
When will you stop continuously volunteering for dull chores because "someone's gotta do it?" and start filling your life with your passions?
Imagine being too busy to be a doormat.
Imagine always having plans when those boring people who have chosen you for a friend (probably because you're always available) come calling.
Imagine a diary full of appointments and events which you anticipate enthusiastically .
Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning juiced by your plans for the day.
Imagine the invitations from interesting people whose company you delight in, pouring in as your enthusiasm for life increases your demand socially.
Imagine the life you planned when you were 18 actually happening.
Imagine the satisfaction of a physical list of your achievements documented for your perusal in your twilight years.
Imagine inspiring your children and others to make conscious decisions regarding the content of their lives.
Imagine squeezing every drop out of what life has to offer.
Imagine your funeral. Will your eulogy be littered with funny stories of your adventures, or will your family struggle to find something interesting to say about your life? Will the congregation be packed with people from all walks of life, many of whom shared your HALLELUJAH! life, or will your family have only each other for comfort?
Do you choose humdrum or HALLELUJAH!?
Create your bucket list today, and you can stop the c--p in your life and start creating YOUR life.
You know you won't do this alone!
Jacqueline Johns loves life and she has the laughter lines to prove it!
From Melbourne, Australia, Jacqueline shares her happiness secrets globally through http://www.happylifementoring.com
and locally through her mentoring programs and fun-shops!
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