This inherent feeling of wanting more is the very essence of our being. It helps us continue moving down the path on our journey of discovering who we are (beyond the outside designations of male or female, black or white, accountant, physical education teacher, etc.), why are we here (what is our life purpose?), where are going (once we have done all that we are meant to do here on Earth) and how do we get there (what are we to do to prepare us for that journey)?

Who Are We?

That’s a deep question.

We are much more than our bodies; we also consist of mind, senses and ego. Our physical bodies cover that which we cannot see with human eyes, nor understand with our empirical knowledge. On a scientific level, the body is a truly amazing phenomenon. But we are so much more.

I’m not out to prove that there is a soul, for a couple of reasons. First, if you are someone who doesn’t believe in Spirit and/or someone who cannot feel the Spirit that moves us, no amount of explaining will ever convince you otherwise. Second, there are many others who can do a much better job of explaining the difference between spirit and matter.

So let’s say that the body is the house of the soul. The soul is the very essence of Spirit. Spirit is the essence that we are given to become who we are to become while in this human form.

Some of us knew from very early on in life that there was more to life then what we considered the “rat race.” You know, when we saw society/life being on the gerbil wheel, i.e., constantly moving but getting nowhere. But somehow before we knew it, we felt like that gerbil running all day and getting nowhere.

That’s because deep inside we know that we are more than our bodies or our ethnic designations, genders, professional positions, etc. So who are we?

We are part of a greater whole. We are part something much bigger than the human race. We are part of the very essence that creates all this is. We are Divine and part of Divinity Itself.

Why Are We Here?

When you have asked yourself that question, most likely it was during a time when you were experiencing frustration, confusion, desperation, loss, etc. We usually question things when life has thrown us a curve we didn’t expect (and don’t particularly like).

Then there are those of us who have questioned just about everything in life, in no specific order. It is in our nature to question.

Why you question is not as important as the question itself: Why are we here? Think about the bigger picture for a minute…think about the universe. Can you see the natural law of the cosmos or do you think that the universe just spinning out of control willy-nilly?

No matter what some may say, we humans do have a purpose.

Our purpose, i.e., the reason we are here, can be broken down into three categories.

Socially, we are to live a good and ethical life, faithfully perform our duties and responsibilities, take care of others where we can, and remember that we are all children of One God, though we might worship Him by different names.

Spiritually, our purpose is to live our lives from Wholeness. To know our true nature; that we are not these bodies or our designations, but something far greater. Knowing ourselves on an inner level as the Spirit/Divine Being and expressing ourselves from the unique individual we are on the outer level. Our spiritual purpose is Divine Communion of both.

Our purpose from the Mystical perspective is that we are Pure Spirit and to witness God in and as a manifestation of all of creation.

So the reason we are here is to learn who we are and how to incorporate that into our daily living. As we go through the day, finding the balance of compassion, understanding that everyone is on their own journey, but honoring our own individual personality…living a good life, taking care of others and combining that with deepening our love and knowledge of God and linking that to our Divinity. The mystical part of our journey may not unfold for all of us on this journey. You will know that it’s calling when it does. When the student is ready, a teacher will be sent.

Where Are We Going?

The answer to that question depends on which way you are pointing your vehicle and what is the consciousness of the one in the driver’s seat?

Our consciousness will take the form of whatever container we pour it into. If we focus solely on mundane things, our consciousness will be mundane. The more we practice seeing things through spiritual eyes, the more spiritual our consciousness will be.

So where is your Consciousness? What is it focused on? If you do not know, a good way to find out is to notice where your mind wanders to when you’re not busy doing something.

For many of us, when we are in the early stages of deepening our spiritual lives, our thoughts will go to that which we have been focusing on over the last 30…40…even 50 years. Prayer and meditation will help us to focus on things that bring us lasting Peace, Love, Joy and Wisdom, and will help us get to where we want to go.

But where do you want to go? It’s up to each individual. Free will is a wonderful thing. We are going where we direct ourselves. Eventually we will all get there…back to The Source. The decision on how we get there is up to us.

How Do We Get There?

Get where, you ask? Get back to that from which we emerged.

There are many paths and, eventually, we all go back Home…back to Source…back to Godhead. And if you’re reading this article, I’m willing to bet that you’re on a “Spiritual” path. A spiritual path is a process of allowing God/Source to come in and live through our lives.

The spiritual path is a progressive expansion of consciousness, perception and identity, as well as a matching development of character and noble personal qualities.

The sole activity of the spiritual life is to allow the higher states of consciousness, which are our true nature, to be realized and expressed in everyday life. Spiritual life is not meant to be a struggle, but a gentle process of receiving. The primary technique is to focus our attention inward on God while living in the world.

Of course, we will have obstacles to overcome; mainly the ego. While being in the state of ego we will experience, fear, inadequacy, control and greed. The spiritual path is not an easy path, and it will require be work (more for some then others), but that goes for any path. There are practices that will help you overcome the ego while on your spiritual path, including chanting, meditation, prayer and scriptural reading.

When one or more of these becomes an integral part of your daily life, it’s amazing how the ego is quieted. Over time, you will see the results. Faith overcomes fear. Self-acceptance replaces inadequacy. Surrender will alleviate the need for control and/or the tension that comes from not being able to control things. Patience will bring fulfillment, which will eliminate the angst of greed when in the state of separation or lack of something.

There are three types of spiritual paths to get us where we ultimately want to go, i.e., back to God/Source. The spiritual path that is most compatible with our temperament is the right path for us. The path we choose must fulfill our nature.

The Path of Wisdom is the path of knowing who we truly are; knowing the Absolute Truth that there is but One Consciousness, One Doer and it is all perfect. The path of Wisdom is one of self-inquiry.

The Path of Devotion is the path of relationship, the path of the heart, the path of Love. Devotion is a commitment, as well as an expression of sublime fullness.

The Path of Selfless Service is the Path where pure, selfless service extinguishes the ego, so that only God remains.

In various religions, these paths may be in different orders or different sects. And if it cannot be found in a religion, per se, a bona fide spiritual teacher can help.

I hope this has shed some light on Who We Are (spiritual beings), Why We Are Here (to live a good life, take care of others and combine that with deepening our love and knowledge of God, linking that to our own Divinity), Where We Are Going (to The Source, back home, within and without), and How We Get There (wisdom, devotion or service).

Author's Bio: 

Michael Hoare, D.D., is an author, minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner. Michael’s past life has been filled with challenges. He was born with a hole in his heart, was sexually abused during his early childhood, turned to alcohol and drugs for comfort, and ended up homeless in the New York City subway. In addition, Hoare has lost an unusually large number of loved ones to death: both parents by the time he was 16; his best friend 2 years later; and his fiancée died two weeks before their wedding date. Eleven months after his fiancée died, he learned that his daughter was battling cancer. Despite it all, and maybe because of it, Hoare can talk about his troubled past and how he came through it, thanks to a spiritual program called Ah-Man.

Central to the Ah-Man experience is being able to forgive oneself and to forgive others for past misgivings. The experiences that Hoare, a recovering alcoholic, describes in his book, “I Am Ah-Man,” are due in large part to the impulses of what Hoare terms “primordial man.” While Hoare admits that primordial man is not a bad guy, his actions are the result of instinct rather than the heart. Primordial feelings, he explains, include anger, fear, resentment, control, lust, jealousy, and suspicion.

To connect to Ah-Man, Hoare, a New York City native, had to change his habits and beliefs and ultimately surrender to them. That, he explains, is not an easy task. Why? Because both men and women, he says, are conditioned to conform to society’s expectations. For men, that may mean feeling the need to have the highest-paying jobs, purchase the largest homes, and maintain the lifestyles to match. For women, it could mean being just like men, and looking and acting a certain way, e.g., thin or sexy. But with trust, forgiveness and acceptance of ourselves, God and others, Hoare believes men and women can find a spiritual way of handling everyday life situations without getting sucked into them.

Through a series of seminars and one-to-one counseling sessions, Hoare teaches men and women to embrace the Ah-Man within them by creating a loving relationship with oneself, God and others; openness with other people; a sense of integrity; and the ability to communicate; all by incorporating trust, forgiveness and acceptance, thus allowing them to be whole.

The second edition of his book, “Returning to WHOLENESS…Discovering Ah-Man,” will be published in Summer 2011.

Additional information on Ah-Man can be found at